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Tableware Glass maker to invest 15 Mio Euro in US production site

The company intends to integrate new technology in its current production site and creates over 70 new direct jobs. The US site has been preferred to other production sites of the company. Planned schedule is to integrate new state-of-the-art


    Automotive Glass Plant in Central America with production start 2016

    Production and sales of automotive glass is planned for approx. 750,000 vehicles /year and investment volume of approx. 60 Mio USD (44 Mio.


      Container glass factory in Russia plans capacity enlargement by 75 tpd in 2016

      The company reports to carry out the second phase of modernization of production in 2016. Expansion planned from 150 tpd by 75 tpd with total 300 million glass bottles and wide


        New factory for container glass production in Russia, construction start projected in 2014

        A consortium of several factories is planning to setup a container glass factory for bottles and packaging glass for food to serve the local markets and export to Europe. Project start is scheduled for 2014 initially with no fixed date specified


          Enquiry of Glass Fiber Production Line

          An Iranian supplier wants to produce approx 83 tpd borosilicate E-glass continuous fiber per day and requests a full offer for a production line with area, staff, energy consumption details etc. Production start is not yet


            Container glass factory unveils plans to expand production capacity

            Asian glass factory wants to expand melting capacity. Batch house, feeder, IS-machines, annealing and decorating lehr and cold end equipment are requested. 2nd hand equipment


              Middle East - turnkey project for 150tpd container glass factory

              Company needs turnkey offer for complete line including consulting, concept, engineering, manufacturing until final installation and performance test. Production volume envisaged is 150 tpd for container glass and


                UK company investment in container glass furnace expansion

                Expansion plan with total volume of 14 Mio Euro to be used for furnace capacity expansion, bottle forming and automation equipment in the cold


                  Foam glass project in Russia for 2014

                  Russian company intends to build plant for the production of composite materials. Investment in will amount to 2.8 billion rubles (65,5 mio.


                    Update 150 Mio. Euro float glass investment project in Russia

                    The company is realising plans to produce 1200 tpd float glass in Russia including processing plant. Backed by one of the largest construction material suppliers in the region, this project will supply approx 32 mio sqm glass into the local


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