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Central European Glass Fiber producer to expand capacity by 2015

The company plans to invest 10 Mio. Euro into a 15% furnace capacity expansion in this production


    Russian glass bottle production facility planned near Novosibirsk with full production of 700 tpd by 2015

    The investment for the factory in total is approx. 120 Mio Euro. Mayor prospective customers already secured in Vodka and beer production. Equipment suppliers and raw material suppliers not yet


      Russian plant for the production of pharmaceutical glass unveils plans for expansion until 2018

      The factory confirms plans to expand in two stages from currently 150 mio units/year to 700 million in 2018 resp. 1 billion units/year until 2020. Products are first hydrolytic class glass bottles, flasks and cartridges for medical glass factories


        Uzbekistan announces tender for increasing capacity of glass plant, Closing date 24.Feb.2014

        The project comprises the expansion of an existing container glass factory by 120 tpd as a turnkey line including machines and equipment. Companies are invited in participation in the tender until 24.Feb.2014 with disclosure of the winner by End of


          New Automotive Glass Processing Facility in China to be built with startup Q4 2015

          The factory is said to have a capacity of approx. 2 mio car sets (fully operational) and is going to produce OEM automotive windshields, rear and side windows, sunroofs for Chinese automotive


            International glass maker upgrades Asian Container glass facility

            The company invests 7 Mio Euro in new production technology for container glass blowing process to produce lightweight bottles. Upgrades of existing production was executed to be topped by current development. Capacity increase of 10%


              US company wants build line to recycle CRT glass in 40-50tpd electric melting furnace

              Project for a glass recycling unit to re-use CRT glass including glass cleaning facility, moulds and periphery. Schedule and investment yet to be


                Auto glass maker invests 148 Mio. Euro in new US Location

                The new facility for automotive glass processing of over 3 Mio. vehicle units is scheduled for production start in Q3-4 2015. Total investment, also backed-up by governmental support is indicated with 148 Mio. Euro. The production site will be


                  Turkish Glass maker confirms factory expansion by 2015

                  The company confirms the plans to expand the current facility by 2 further furnaces and total final production capacity of 1150 tons per day. State-of-the-art technology including energy and environmental impacts are imperative. Pharmaceutical


                    Turkish Glass maker confirms container glass furnace repair including expansion of capacity

                    The company is executing a cold repair of one of its container glass furnaces and increases the capacity by 85 tpd. The repair period is estimated with 3 months.


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