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North African Container glass maker to expand by 2015

The company wants to expand the capacity by 300 tpd for light weight container glass to satisfy consumer and pharmaceutical packaging segment. Startup of the line is planned for Q2


    Finnish company invests $ 1 billion in building of foamed glass plant

    Finnish Uusioaines Oy to invest $ 1 billion to build a plant for the production of foamed glass in the Leningrad


      Baltic company to invest in production expansion and glass processing

      The company of architectural and interior glass aims to become the leading company on the Nordic market and is strengthening its production capacity in a local Free Economic Zone. Total investment is approx. 7 Mio Euro for architectual glass


        Benelux glass processing company to invest in new production facility

        A Dutch investor decided to reopen recently closed business and to invent into new unbreakable and lighter glass for special applications for automotive and


          European container glass company to expand into Middle East

          The company is building a glass factory with total investment of 75 Mio. Euro for high class glass coloured bottles. The portfolio encompasses both production as well as decoration. The envisaged startup date is scheduled for early


            Investment by glass maker in EU for glass fiber

            UK site of glass maker to being expanded by 5 Mio Euro investment to increase and optimize production and to reduce emissions for glass fiber production. Commissioning of the line is scheduled for


              25 Mil Euro investment in infrastructure and furnace repair in Central Europe

              Realization of works within the next two years to increase production from 300 to 600 tpd in second phase. Total investment being backed by foreign investors and partly being used to payback outstanding


                Investment Project for production of flat glass in Eastern Europe

                Investment Project for production of flat glass with capacity approx. 250 tpd for 60% local market and 40%


                  Company in Eastern Europe wants to produce flat glass

                  The company is currently producing ceramic tiles and wants to expand its production portfolio to flat glass. A capacity of up to 10 mio sqm is planned. Used equipment is


                    Realization of investment projects in 2013 in Belarus

                    Container glass factory to repair and expand glass production for pharmaceutical glass bottles in


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