Company Updates

Stockerau, Österreich (Extended Package)


Unsere Lösungen: ABLUFT Aerope-Fortluft-Systeme speziell für die extremen Anforderungen der Schwerindustrie ZULUFT Natürliche und effiziente Versorgung der Innenräume mit Außenluft. Vielseitige Aussenluftsysteme - je nach Anforderung...


Kyiv, Ukraine


SKLO ist ein ukrainisches Unternehmen, das seit 2005 Glaskonstruktionen für Wohngebäude, Geschäfts- und Büroräume, Coworking Spaces, HoReCa-Projekte und Industrieprojekte herstellt und liefert. Unsere Produktion ist auf Verglasungen in verschiedenen...


Weert, Limburg, Niederlande

Buys Glashandel

Extensive Range of Different Glass Types With a constant glass stock of approximately 300 tons, we can deliver quickly. In the submenu on the left, you will find the various types of glass we offer. Each type has its own specific applications and...


Tirane, Albanien (Extended Package)

Terra Construction, Aluglass

PVC-Fenster von Rehau: Hochwertige PVC-Fenster für Energieeffizienz und Langlebigkeit. Glasüberdachungen für Bars: Speziell entworfene Glasüberdachungen für gastronomische Einrichtungen. Glasüberdachungen mit Metallkonstruktion: Robuste...


Carambei, Brasilien


Manufacturer of bottles for carbonated drinks and...


Anhui, China

Anhui Flat Solar Glass Co.,Ltd.

Anhui Flat Solar Glass Co., Ltd., located in Si Industry Park, Fengyang County, Anhui P.R.C, occupies an area of about 430,000 m2. The total investment is about RMB 2 billion, which is mainly engaged in research and development, manufacturing and...


Chongqing, China

Guangdong Huaxing Glass Co., LTD / Chongqing

Manufacturer of standard glass containers of clear flint, flint, emerald green and amber color. Glass bottles for spirits and liquors, beverage bottles, beer and soft drink bottles, ashtrays, stemware, glasses and drinking...


Habiganj, Bangladesch

Akij Glass Industries

The facility is capable of producing European standard float glass in a variety of types, including clear, colored, reflective, and other specialized...


Lommel, Belgien (Extended Package)

Ciner Glass Belgium, Production start in Q3 2025

As a leading producer of container glass, Ciner Glass intends to set up a greenfield production facility in Lommel. The facility would consist of two glass manufacturing furnaces, which will be realized in two phases, as well as warehouses for...


Bowling Green,, USA

O-I Glass Inc.

Glass bottles for the beverage industry (Bourbon bottles, lightweight bottles) Facilities built for MAGMA will feature a smaller melter and will be constructed using more sustainable methods and materials. MAGMA technology will enable advanced...
