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Kontakt Info
Anschrift | Spec Sands KwaZulu-Natal |
Land | Südafrika |
Ihre Nachricht an Spec Sands |
Produkte oder Maschinen
Industrial Uses:
Tile adhesives, grouts, casting, plaster sand
Foundry molds and cores (3D printing)
Smelter slag, pipeline bedding, non-slip flooring
Amber glass manufacturing, paint filler, adhesive filler, and electronics
Water Filtration and Treatment:
Used in municipal, residential, and industrial water treatment
Swimming pool filters, filtration bedding, boiler fluidized beds, borehole well packing
Recreational Uses:
Equestrian arenas, racetracks, golf course bunkers, synthetic athletic tracks, and volleyball courts
Topsoil and Turf:
Artificial turf infill, compost, fertilizers, sports fields
Specialized Applications:
Pet products, aquariums, koi ponds, firebricks, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries