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Kontakt Info
Anschrift | JSC Balakhninskoe Steklo 606425, Nizhny Novgorod region, Balakhninsky district, r.Hydrotorf, st.Administrative 27, of. 26 |
Land | Russische Föderation |
Ihre Nachricht an JSC Balakhninskoe Steklo |
Produkte oder Maschinen
JSC "Balakhninskoe steklo" produces a glass bottle for the enterprises of the liquor industry, producers of juices, mineral water, ketchups and vegetable oils. The company produces bottles made of colorless glass, mainly according to the customer's drawings, and also performs decoration of glass products.
Nowadays the following decoration technologies are actively used:
- Coating
- Screen printing
- Stretch sleeve label
- Matting (satination)
- The effect of crushed ice
- Vacuum metallization
- Hot foil stamping
The company is certified according to ISO 9001, which ensures strict management of business processes, their monitoring and analysis for the purpose of effective and efficient work of the organization.