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Kontakt Info
Anschrift | Faymonville Distribution AG 19, Duarrefstrooss 9990 Weiswampach |
Land | Luxemburg |
Ihre Nachricht an Faymonville Distribution AG |
Produkte oder Maschinen
The group has four main businesses :
- Faymonville AG and F.E.L. AG : the construction of towed equipment for the specialist haulage industry and the transport of glass ;
- Faymonville Distribution AG : the sale of trailers and sale of second-hand vehicles ;
- Faymonville Lease AG : financing possibilities for semi-trailers - Renting Car-WTS : short or long term renting of trucks and semi-trailers in Belgium.
- Faymonville Service AG :
- maintenance workshop ;
- 24/24 Service ;
- fully equipped intervention pick-up ;
- repairs all makes.