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Anschrift | Egypt Mineral Ores 46, Moharam Bek St. - Moharam Bek - Alexandria ElMaram Tower 1St Floor - Office # 12 Postal Code / ZIP Code #21511 |
Land | Ägypten |
Ihre Nachricht an Egypt Mineral Ores |
Produkte oder Maschinen
Silica Sand [Sandstone]
Silica Sand is quartz that over time, through the work of water and wind, has been broken down into tiny granules.
Used as industrial and manufacturing applications, deposits of silica-yielding products of at least 95% SiO2 are preferred. Silica is hard and chemically inert and has a high melting point, attributable to the strength of the bonds between the atoms. These are prized qualities in applications like foundries and filtration systems. Industrial sand’s strength, silicon dioxide (SiO2) contribution, and non-reactive properties make it an indispensable ingredient in the production of thousands of everyday products...
Feldspar is a common uncooked fabric utilized in glassmaking, ceramics, and to a point as a filler and extender in paint, plastics, and rubber. In glassmaking, alumina from feldspar improves product hardness, sturdiness, and resistance to chemical corrosion. In ceramics, the alkalis in feldspar (calcium oxide, potassium oxide, and sodium oxide) act as a flux, decreasing the melting temperature of a combination. Fluxes melt at an early stage in the firing method, forming a glassy matrix that bonds the opposite additives of the gadget collectively.Feldspar is consumed in glassmaking, including glass containers and glass fiber. Ceramics (inclusive of electric insulators, sanitaryware, pottery, tableware, and tile) and different uses, which includes fillers.
Feldspar Physical specifications for supplies and exports
Chemical Classification Silicate
- Usually white, pink, gray or brown. Also colorless, yellow, orange, red, black, blue, green.
- Streak
- White
Vitreous. Pearly on some cleavage faces.
Usually translucent to opaque. Rarely transparent.
Perfect in two directions. Cleavage planes usually intersect at or close to a 90 degree angle.
Mohs Hardness
6 to 6.5
Specific Gravity
2.5 to 2.8
Diagnostic Properties
Perfect cleavage, with cleavage faces usually intersecting at or close to 90 degrees. Consistent hardness, specific gravity and pearly luster on cleavage faces.
Chemical Composition
A generalized chemical composition of X(Al,Si)4O8, where X is usually potassium, sodium, or calcium, but rarely can be barium, rubidium, or strontium.
Crystal System
Triclinic, monoclinic
Crushed and powdered feldspar are important raw materials for the manufacture of plate glass, container glass, ceramic products, paints, plastics and many other products. Varieties of orthoclase, labradorite, oligoclase, microcline and other feldspar minerals have been cut and used as faceted and cabochon gems.