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Kontakt Info
Anschrift | AMBER-GLASS Sp. z o.o. ul. Nowa 42 41-500 Chorzów |
Land | Polen |
Ihre Nachricht an AMBER-GLASS Sp. z o.o. |
Produkte oder Maschinen
Nowadays we are the biggest building glass & mirror wholesale company in the Silesia region. We can offer glass produced by all main manufacturers as Pilkington, Saint Gobain, Schott, Euroglass, Guardian. All time we extend our glass processing abilities to offer our customers highest quality processed glass. We can offer cutting, edging, grinding, bevelling, drilling, CNC processing tempering and laminating.
Our products are supplied to interior design companies, furniture producers and many others companies who require highest quality and best service.
Our fleet of cars specialized for glass transportation makes it possible to come against needs of our customers in Poland and in other European countries.