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Kontakt Info
Anschrift | Perfectview Vălenii de Munte 106400, Str. Anton Pann, nr. 29, Jud. Prahova |
Land | Rumänien |
Ihre Nachricht an Perfectview |
Produkte oder Maschinen
Our PVC windows are made using Rehau or Etem. The variety of types of existing profiles allows you to choose between various available configurations.
All the windows, regardless of the number of chambers and hardware, are guaranteed for prolonged operation and resistance.

In the construction of PVC doors the profiles and specific reinforcements provided by Rehau or Decco are standards compliant, resulting in product rigidity. Also, the multipoint hardware type ensures perfect sealing across the door´s contour.

Laminated wood windows and doors are made of spruce, meranti or oak. The ability to personalize the house is very high due to many finishing options in different shades.