Aktualisierte Studie für die weltweite Glasindustrie 2025 jetzt verfügbar für Flach-, Hohlglas und Tableware

Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

Weitere Datenbanken mit demoskopischen Daten und Import- und Exportdaten komplettieren die Marktinformationen. Basierend auf allen Datenbanken können Sie eigenständig Länderprofile mit Angaben zur gesamten lokalen Produktionskapazität, zur lokalen Marktgröße und die zu erwartende Marktgröße in der Zukunft erstellen.

Gerne erwarten wir daher Ihre Anfrage auf plants.glassglobal.com.

Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025




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Kontakt Info

Anschrift Redfoot Enterprises
217 Koorsboom ave
Glen Eagle office park
1620 Kempton Park
PoBox PO Box 3767
Land Südafrika
Email Ihre Nachricht an Redfoot Enterprises

Produkte oder Maschinen

Ware handling

A complete range of products to cover hot glass contact. Braids are welded to exchange parts to fit existing machines and mechanisms to ensure durability and longer life. Product range covers:

  • Wiper / pushers
  • Hot glass Guides
  • Starwheel / radial transfer
  • Stacker / Lehr loader

Take out products

NetOil supplies a complete range of consumable parts to facilitate the removal of hot glass containers from the I.S. machine to the dead plate. All custom finishes and GPI specifications (Glass Packaging Institute) can be supplied. The range of products cover the following:

  • Graphite inserts
  • Steel tongs


Pennine Industrial Equipment provides a complete product range for transportation of hot glass containers from the I.S. machine to the lehr. Multi, center and side guide chain with various assembly arrangements available to ensure maximum cooling whilst maintaining maximum chain strength. Product range covers:

  • Machine and cross conveyor
  • Sprockets

Hot end Lubrication

Interglass supplies a complete range of lubrication products from Gob shearing to finished container. The range cover the following areas:

  • Shear lubrication oils
  • Delivery oils
  • Delivery coatings
  • Blank and mould swabbing lubricants
  • Touch up lubricants
  • Neck ring lubricants
  • I.S. machine lubricants
  • Conveyor lubricants

Inspection and packaging

System RES supplies a range of consumable parts for cold end equipment. Parts are interchangeable with all major manufacturers of inspection machines and palletizer equipment. The range covers the following areas:

  • Foam belts for camera inspection machines
  • Roller bearings and rotating cuffs for rotary inspection machines
  • Vacuum plates for wide mouth containers
  • Wide range of gripper tubes to suit every container shape and dimension

Hot and cold end coatings

Imaca supplies a complete range of equipment and chemicals for the coating of glass containers. The product range caters for various line speeds and container dimensions and covers the following areas:

Hot end

  • Coating hoods
  • Central feeding systems
  • MBTC material

Cold end coating

  • Spray bridges
  • Mixing stations
  • PE Wax and sterate material

temperature measuring equipment

Land Systems provides a range of equipment to accurately measure molten glass and equipment temperature. Units are calibrated and repaired locally, thereby reducing cost and repair time. The product range cover the following areas:

  • Gob temperature
  • Blank/blow mould temperature

Mould cleaning/maintenance

Zirpro supplies a range of ceramic beads for rotary and air shot blasters. Less product usage compared to glass beads or steel shot with a much improved mould life.