Glass Industry News

Style and functionality above the clouds: SCHOTT presents new lighting solutions for aircraft interiors at AIX 2019


The international technology group SCHOTT will showcase industry-leading lighting solutions emphasizing small space installation and enhanced passenger experiences at the Aircraft Interior Expo (AIX) in Hamburg.

The featured products include HelioCurve, a unique LED solution for both ambient and functional lighting. SCHOTT® Opal and SCHOTT® Sapphire are the new series of compact in-seat reading lights that impress with their distinct design and intuitive features. SCHOTT will also demonstrate HelioJet® SpectrumCC, the advanced cabin lighting system that recently received the German Innovation Award in Gold, as well as LuminaLine a new lighting concept which won the famous Red Dot Design Award.

“As designers of aircraft seating products for different clients, we understand how each airline and each seat design has differing requirements”, says Ben Rowan, Director at the Design Agency PriestmanGoode, which developed the new Sapphire reading light series for SCHOTT. “We saw the exceptional opportunity to create designs that could adapt to, not hinder, the aesthetic of a seat. With both ambient and direct lighting, and an opportunity to change the look and feel of the product, airlines are able to have a bespoke product unique to their aesthetic requirements.”

Unmatched flexibility: LED lights illuminates even hidden spaces  
SCHOTT® HelioCurve, a flexible RGBW (red, green, blue, white) LED light that can be curved to narrow angle, is fostering a new way of thinking about the esthetics and function of cabin lighting. The concept allows for new designs and functional improvements of various cabin features, such as seat pockets, aisles, armrests, and on curved surfaces. 

HelioCurve can be installed in exceptionally small spaces as its unrivaled light homogeneity illuminates surfaces without a cover or diffuser that adds extra bulk and requires extra space. SCHOTT’s intelligent Multi-Light-Controller enables power leveling as well as aging and temperature compensation for HelioCurve. As is the case with all members of the SCHOTT® “Helio family,” HelioCurve also works in holistic mood lighting scenarios.

Jewels in the sky
SCHOTT’s latest generation of elegant and highly customizable LED reading lights builds on its track record as the largest manufacturer of integrated in-seat reading lights. Inspired by the luminescence of gemstones, the compact and elegant SCHOTT® Opal and SCHOTT® Sapphire series impress with their distinct design and intuitive features. Each light concept enhances the passenger's overall travel experience.

Opal’s ultra slim and compact design fits perfectly on all kinds of surfaces. A soft touch on the faceplate facilitates intuitive switching. The rotation mechanism allows for wide angles so the light cone can easily be adjusted according to passengers’ preferences. The Sapphire series was designed by the London-based Design Agency PriestmanGoode, which is known for creating remarkable aircraft interiors.

Both series are based on a modular concept with different shapes, colors, and finishes. This innovation in the reading light market offers a wide range of individual options. It also saves time and efforts for qualification processes. All “gems” shine with high-class homogenous light output.

Award-winning innovations
Two international expert juries recently affirmed and awarded SCHOTT’s holistic approach on lighting esthetics and functionality:

Out of over 650 entries, the jury of the German Design Council recognized SCHOTT’s LED cabin lighting system HelioJet® Spectrum as the ultimate winner in the category “Lighting Solutions.”

With LuminaLine SCHOTT has created a new esthetic lighting concept that has won the “Red Dot: Best of the Best” award as the best concept in the Materials category. Thereby LuminaLine was selected out of 5,640 entries from 55 countries and persuaded the jury through its unique interplay of light and transparency that makes new designs possible.

All SCHOTT products will be on display at AIX in Hamburg from April 2nd to April 4th in Hall 7, Booth C11.


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