Glass Industry News

Prof. Ahmet Kırman is awarded with the Order of the “Star of Italy”

, Sisecam Group

Şişecam Group Vice Chairman and CEO Prof. Ahmet Kırman is awarded with the honor of "Cavaliere" of the Order of the Star of Italy, for his valuable contribution to the strengthening of economic bilateral relations and mutual investments between Italy and Turkey. 

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman, Vice Chairman and the CEO of Şişecam Group has been awarded the honor of "Cavaliere" of the Order of the Star of Italy, proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and bestowed by the President of the Italian Republic, for his valuable contribution to the strengthening of economic bilateral relations and mutual investments between Italy and Turkey. The medal was presented by Mr. Massimo Gaiani, the Italian Ambassador, to Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman.

During his speech on the ceremony at the Italian Consulate General Residence in Istanbul, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman pointed out the importance of Italy for Şişecam Group that is a global player with the production operations in 13 countries on three continents and sales operations in more than 150 countries. “Italy is among the countries that Şişecam Group attaches great importance in terms of both our investments and also commercial operations. The total sum of our Group’s investments in Italy in the business lines of chemicals, glassware, and flat glass has reached the level of EUR 120 million. The glass and chemical products export from Turkey to Italy, as a leading export market of our Group, amount to USD 90 million per year. Therefore, Italy is a special country for our Group thanks to its population of more than 60 million, economy of USD 2 trillion, and deep-rooted industrial past. I wish the strong growth of our cooperation and I am extending my thanks to Mr. Ambassador and the Italian Presidency for this meaningful and significant order presented to me,” added Prof. Dr. Kırman. 

Şişecam Group operates in Italy in the business lines of chemicals, glassware, and flat glass

Şişecam Group made its first investment in Italy by a 50% share acquisition of Cromital S.p.A., which operates in the field of chromium chemicals, in 2005. This company, located in the north of Italy, has been an entirely owned subsidiary since 2011. Today, Cromital provides inputs for many industries in Europe led by the Italian leather and metal-plating sectors with its operations in the chromium based chemicals business line. 

Şişecam made its second investment in Italy by opening its first overseas Paşabahçe Store in Milan, recognized as a city of design and fashion, in 2015. Also having made significant investments in the logistics and distribution network in the glassware business line in Italy, the Group reaches the US, European, Middle-Eastern, and African markets via the country. 

Şişecam Group made its third investment in Italy by acquiring the Porto Nogaro plant of Sangalli Vetro, a flat glass manufacturer, in the northern part of the country in 2016. In consequence of this operation, Şişecam upgraded its rank one further step in the European flat glass market in terms of the production capacity to become the Europe’s largest flat glass manufacturer. The final investment move of Şişecam in Italy was, again, in the field of flat glass. Acquiring the Manfredonia plant of Sangalli Vetro in the south of Italy in June of last year, the Group has doubled up its flat glass production capacity in the country, while further reinforcing its leadership in Europe.

About Şişecam Group 
One of the most established enterprises in Turkey, Şişecam Group is a global actor in business fields including all main areas of glass industry, i.e. flat glass, glassware, glass packaging and glass fiber, as well as soda and chromium chemicals. Today Şişecam, the world’s leading supplier of chromium compounds and the 10th largest soda ash producer in the world, is the 3rd largest glassware, the 5th largest glass packaging and flat glass manufacturer globally.

The Group, which has 43 production facilities in total, has manufacturing activities in Turkey, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt and India. With its more than 80 years of experience, 22,000 employees, production in 13 countries, and sales in 150 countries, Şişecam is a group at international scale and continues on its journey to become one of top three global producers in its all-main business fields.

, © Sisecam Group

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