Glass Industry News

SCHOTT teams up with SINCAD to ensure the highest quality pharmaceutical packaging

, Schott AG

Pharma Packaging division signs exclusive cooperation and development agreement with French engineering company that specializes in developing and manufacturing vision control systems

The international technology group SCHOTT and the French engineering firm SINCAD have signed an exclusive cooperation and development agreement aimed at strengthening SCHOTT’s expertise in the field of camera inspection systems.

The agreement includes the assurance that SINCAD will distribute its highly advanced camera systems exclusively to SCHOTT and not offer them to any other supplier in the pharmaceutical industry in the future. To manufacture its high-quality packaging for the pharmaceutical industry, including state-of-the-art ampoules, vials, cartridges and syringes, SCHOTT relies on the most advanced camera systems to inspect and ensure the quality of each individual product. The cameras measure the accuracy of the geometry as well as other important parameters. The vision control systems from SINCAD are used to ensure the appearance, dimensional accuracy, color, and 3D laser profile.

“We have been working with SINCAD for some time now and greatly appreciate their extremely reliable systems. This cooperation now exclusively binds this excellent supplier of vision control camera systems to us,” says Christoph Döppes, Project Director New Production Concept Vials, Global Operations at SCHOTT. “We plan to share our mutual know-how in order to learn from each other, make our products even better, and develop better camera systems in the future.” This will also involve artificial intelligence, an area that SCHOTT has been strategically investing in most recently. For instance, the camera systems will be shown images of defective products so they can independently learn to recognize even the most minor defects in the products manufactured.

SINCAD is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing vision control systems that cover the following areas: appearance control, dimensional control, colorimetric control, presence control and 3D laser profile control.
SCHOTT is a leading international technology group in the areas of specialty glass and glass-ceramics. The company has more than 130 years of outstanding development, materials and technology expertise and offers a broad portfolio of high-quality products and intelligent solutions. SCHOTT is an innovative enabler for many industries, including the home appliance, pharma, electronics, optics, life sciences, automotive and aviation industries. SCHOTT strives to play an important part of everyone’s life and is committed to innovation and sustainable success. With more than 15,500 employees at production sites and sales offices in 34 countries, the group has a global presence. In the 2017/2018 fiscal year, SCHOTT generated sales of around $2.5 billion.

, © Schott AG

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