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Glass bottle production line for very small capacity in Moldova

Glass bottle production line with colour feeder for very small capacity in Moldova with equipment working on natural gas planned. Further details do be


    Hindusthan National Glass plans unit in Andhra Pradesh

    Flint glass manufacturing plant in India with a capacity of 450 tonnes per day for container industry, satisfying local liquor and food and beverages market at total investment volume of 47 million Euro


      Turn-key equipment for solar panel manufacturing

      Turn-key equipment for solar panel manufacturing - an existing solar panel manufacturer in Jiangxi province in China is looking to expand 12 production lines to its


        Solar glass-making plant proposed for Malaysia

        Solar glass production plant scheduled to be built in Malaysia, using sand from Balambangan Island with total investment volume of about 110 Mio


          TCL starts to build $3.6 bln 8.5G LCD production line

          A chinese top company started building a 8.5-generation LCD production line in the southern city of Shenzhen to meet the rising demand for flat-screen


            HNGI´ s Multilocation expansion project under implementation

            Indian company Multilocation expansion project is under implementation. The company announced that it would expand its six manufacturing units with investment of 53 million


              Update: GGWL confirms construction work on Solar & Patterned Glass project

              An Indian company confirms construction work on Solar & Patterned Glass project with start in June 2010 and total investment of 20 Million


                Factory for manufacturing automotive glass for cars and trucks

                Northern African company wants to raise up factory for manufacturing (processing) automotive glass for cars and trucks with a total investment of 4 million USD. Technical assistance


                  Inquiry for foam glass production line

                  Iranian company is looking for technology and equipment to build a foam glass production line with 1000 tpy - Initial feasibility


                    Internationally operating mineral wool producer investigating new project

                    Company producing mineral wool in multiple plants around the world is investigating a new


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