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Establishment of Joint Venture for Production of Thin-Film Solar Cells in Italy

Establishment of Joint Venture for Production of Thin-Film Solar Cells in Italy and Independent Photovoltaic Power Generation Business in the EMEA Region, initial annual production capacity of 160 MW to be enlarged to 480


    European glass group to add new float glass factory in Russia

    A European glass group is going to add a new float glass factory in Russia to its portfolio. Initial talks with government under way and location already selected. Products will be for architectural and conststruction


      Chinese Glass Maker to extend its production for low iron solar glass

      Chinese Glass Maker to extend its production for low iron solar glass from 250 tpd to 850 tpd to satisfy strong domestic and international


        US company invests $165M more in China

        The company said it will invest approximately $125 million to expand its Chinese facility and and approximately $40 million to build a new manufacturing and distribution facility. Final site selection currently under way and expected to be


          US company Announces New Capacity Investments

          The company will invest approximately $800 million to construct a new LCD glass substrate facility in the People´s Republic of


            US company expands and builds new CdTe PV panel production lines

            US company receives loan to expand a solar panel manufacturing plant in Colorado and to open a new manufacturing plant in Indiana. The plants are designed to manufacture 840 MW of CdTe-photovoltaic


              San Jose solar company to build Oregon plant, newspaper says

              Company plans to build a new manufacturing plant for thin film solar cells. Initial investment of $200 million and 100 jobs in the first phase of a 100-megawatt facility, about $37.5 million of project costs will be supported by a 50 percent


                Glass Recycling Plant to Open near Sofia

                Bulgaria´s Environment Minister Nona Karadzhova has broken the ground for the construction of a glass recycling plant in the village of Ravno Pole near the capital


                  A glass maker is planning to expand production at its glass factory - cold end

                  A glass maker is planning to expand production at its glass factory. Following investments over the past four years, the company is eager to invest another €6m in 2010 in the construction of a new line of laminated glass production


                    High generation LCD glass substrate project signed in China

                    High generation LCD glass substrate project signed in China with total investment of 12 Million Euro. Construction scheduled in Q4 2010 with production start in March


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