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SHEET FLOAT GLASS MACHINERIES (Complete Plant) for Bangladesh

SHEET FLOAT GLASS MACHINERIES (Complete Plant) for Bangladesh - Also we are looking for USED


    Indian company to invest in expanding its laminated glass capacity

    Indian company to invest about 23,5 mio euro in expanding its laminated glass capacity by 2.8 million units per


      Glass manufacturing plant in Kazakhstan for glass bottles

      Natural gas fired U-flame furnaces for glass bottle production each 450 tons/day and IS-machines for bottle production. Brown glass for EURO and NRW type beer bottles. Green glass for wine bottles of various configurations including bottles for


        Glass container recycling to be built in Southern Italy in 2011

        Glass container recycling to be built in Southern Italy in 2011 to provide Italian glass makers with furnace ready recycled glass cullet. Italy´s recycling ratio at


          Company interested in starting up a fiberglass mesh plant in Eastern Europe

          We are interested in the possibility of starting up a fiberglass mesh plant. We wish to use glass cullet as raw material, resulting after the recycling of 2000 kg/h waste


            US company invests 135 mio Euro in plant for flat/ thin-film PV glass

            Production line - 135 mio Euro / 180 Mio USD investment planned - conversion from LCD glass to flat glass and specialty glass for thin film


              Establishment of Joint Venture for Production of Thin-Film Solar Cells in Italy

              Establishment of Joint Venture for Production of Thin-Film Solar Cells in Italy and Independent Photovoltaic Power Generation Business in the EMEA Region, initial annual production capacity of 160 MW to be enlarged to 480


                European glass group to add new float glass factory in Russia

                A European glass group is going to add a new float glass factory in Russia to its portfolio. Initial talks with government under way and location already selected. Products will be for architectural and conststruction


                  Chinese Glass Maker to extend its production for low iron solar glass

                  Chinese Glass Maker to extend its production for low iron solar glass from 250 tpd to 850 tpd to satisfy strong domestic and international


                    US company invests $165M more in China

                    The company said it will invest approximately $125 million to expand its Chinese facility and and approximately $40 million to build a new manufacturing and distribution facility. Final site selection currently under way and expected to be


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