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Company To Expand and Fund Silicon Plant In Canada

Solar silicon manufacturing facility in Canada planned by 2 companies, projected for production start Q4 2011, final decision regarding location has not been


    US Company to build PV module plants in U.S., Vietnam

    US Company announced plans to build two manufacturing plants for PV modules - one in the United States and one in Vietnam - that will each employ about 600 people when completed in


      600 tpd for new hi-tech manufacture of various types of glass Russia to be build

      The supervisory board of Russian Bank under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin considered at the session, a complex of the projects aimed at social and economic development of the North Caucasian


        TENDER INVITATION – process equipment for automotive glass processing in Poland

        Building an innovative production plant to manufacture laminated glass assemblies - You are kindly invited to submit an offer for the supply and installation of various process equipment for laminated automotive glass fabrication equipment for the


          UK Glass maker to invest in a new green glass furnace

          Glassmaker has been awarded a Government grant for investment in a new green glass furnace at its UK plant. Modern furnace technology gives company lower energy use, lower CO2 emissions and higher productivity.


            Container glass plant in India with a production volume of 320 tons

            Inquiry for container glass plant in India with a production volume of 320 tons per day. Envisaged products: NNPB DG 12 section for small bottles (spirits) and beer bottles for local Indian


              European specialty glass bottle maker found a new financial partner and invested

              European specialty glass bottle maker found a new financial partner and invested in furnace modernization of two of its furnaces in


                US glass container maker gets approval for $3M loan from state

                US Glass Container maker received approval yesterday for a$3 million state loan to help buy equipment for an upgrade in its


                  Glass Reprocessing Plant, Australia

                  A leading player in the glass recycling industry in Australia, announced its plans to build a new state-of-the art glass reprocessing plant. The recycling plant currently has the capacity to process 600 tons of reject material per


                    European company adds government grant to its revamp plan

                    European copmany adds government grant to its investment programme for container glass manufacturing


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