4PRO Installation Service at Wöllner
In October, RHI Magnesita carried out a repair of a sodium silicate furnace with a melting surface of 22m2 at our long-term customer Wöllner in Germany. The order comprised the renewal of the entire furnace, i.e. basin side walls, superstructure excluding burner wall, doghouse including doghouse corners and doghouse cover as well as the complete insulation. The side walls were designed as a monolithic cast-in-place (CIP).
All required refractory materials, except the fused cast products were supplied by RHI Magnesita.
This includes Magnesite-bricks for superstructure as well as Fireclay, Sillimanite and Mullite grades for tuck stone and doghouse.
The order was executed as a full service package (4PRO) for the customer. This means beside the refractory materials, the refractory installation with supervision, heat-up support with sealing the joints and adding of the tank and chamber insulation, was provided by RHI Magnesita.
The work was carried out very professionally and quickly, so that after only 9 days, the construction was completed, one day earlier than planned. The customer was highly satisfied with the quality of the work and the professionalism of the entire team.
We would like to congratulate our customer and our joint team for the good collaboration including a very good result. We are looking forward for future projects as we are intending to further develop our 4PRO activities.
08.11.2024, RHI Magnesita
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