
Radial Megapixel Lens for Crystal Clear Images

PIEPER develops new lens for precise monitoring of float bath applications in the glass industry

Schwerte, August 2021. PIEPER GmbH, provider of turnkey industrial video and security systems, presents its radial megapixel furnace probe lens, a purpose-designed and novel component for modern process monitoring in industrial environments. Suitable for both analog and IP cameras, the lens delivers crystal-clear images from high-temperature environments and thus primarily serves the quality assurance and plant safety of manufacturing companies, for example in the steel, cement, or glass industries.

The control of high temperature environments requires robust and extremely precise monitoring systems at the same time. To ensure smooth operation in combustion chambers with heat development of up to 2,400°C, PIEPER already offers one of the most powerful combustion chamber camera systems on the market. To complement the solutions that can be integrated into existing process control systems, the Germany-based company has now developed a radial megapixel lens in two versions that - unlike conventional furnace probe lenses - also depicts the image edges of the captured hot chamber areas in optimum sharpness. This means that plant conditions, flame images and potential weak points are always visible.

Novel furnace room megapixel lens for detailed analysis 
In the glass industry, radial lenses have been used for quite some time for modern probe monitoring of Float Bath applications such as Spread, visualization of Toproller machines or Exit End. However, these often do not capture the entire image with sufficient sharpness, but often show chromatic aberrations, which mostly manifest themselves in green and red or blue and yellow color fringes at light-dark transitions at the image edges. Subsequent video analyses of the furnace processes have thus been hampered to date by the sometimes-limited quality of the images supplied.

Thanks to an additional adjuster for lateral equalization, the new PIEPER lenses meet this challenge with excellent edge sharpness of the images produced in the hot chambers. Available radially angled at 70° or 90°, the lenses are suitable for both analog and IP camera use, making them a flexible surveillance component - also for upgrading existing installations from analog to digital IP technology The lens is suitable for 4:3 and 16:9 sensors.  Existing probe jackets can be retained, so that only the probe inner tube, camera and lens need to be replaced.

Technically, the aluminum-made lenses are also characterized by the manual zoom function with depth of field as well as an individual focus and aperture adjustment and an easily replaceable prism. Also, in addition to the included heat protection lens and the already integrated IR filter another place for a third filter is provided.

The radial megapixel furnace lenses are available immediately.

05.08.2021, PIEPER GmbH

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