Glass Industry News

World’s most sustainable glass bottles created in ground-breaking biofuel trial

, Encirc UK

An aspirational mission to create the world’s most sustainable glass bottle has been lauded an incredible success by the industry, following initial results from a ground-breaking trial.

A revolutionary project undertaken by Encirc (a Vidrala company), and industry research and technology organisation, Glass Futures, has proven that new bottles are able to be made from 100% recycled glass, using only the energy from burning ultra-low-carbon biofuels.

It is thought that the world-first initiative will pave the way for an industry-wide reduction in carbon emissions, as the glass sector moves away from fossil fuels, and towards low-carbon alternatives.

Made out of waste organic materials, biofuels are a renewable and much more sustainable fuel source than those traditionally used by the glass sector, and can reduce the carbon footprint of each bottle by up to 90%. By using up to 100% recycled glass to create the new bottles, the trial has been able to even further minimise the lifetime impact of these products.

More in-depth results from the trial, taking place at one of Encirc’s plants in Derrylin Northern Ireland, are expected to come in over the next few weeks and will feed into UK Government policy around decarbonisation. The project forms part of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Energy Innovation Programme, within which Glass Futures is leading a £7.1m project to help determine the most effective route to switch the glass sector to low carbon fuels.

A key focus for Glass Futures, and the biofuel project, is further reducing the sector’s carbon footprint and the impact of the glass manufacturing in the UK, futureproofing an industry directly employing 23,000 people.

Fiacre O’Donnell, Director of Sustainability, Vidrala (Encirc’s parent company). “The results we’re seeing from this biofuel trial are truly remarkable, and paint a very bright and sustainable future for our industry. We’re also looking into the development of hydrogen, and advancements in electric melting to truly discover the future of glass production. These ultra-low-CO2 containers we’re making are being produced for some of the biggest names in the drinks industry, showing how united we all are in our quest for total sustainability.

“By working with Glass Futures, we have helped pioneer the development of a glass bottle which is net-zero-ready, meaning it will truly have no negative impact on the environment throughout its entire lifecycle.”

Adrian Curry, Managing Director at Encirc added: “This is a truly momentous occasion for glass. We have set the standard globally with this trial and now the glass industry needs to work towards realising what we’ve proved is possible. We now know that glass can be the most sustainable of all packaging types and must all work together to ensure that happens.

Aston Fuller, General Manager of Glass Futures, said: “The trial is delivering fantastic results for the manufacturer, end user and consumer. Glass is a fully recyclable and highly sustainable product, but through this trial we are beginning to see the dawn of Net-Zero technologies with Encirc with a full-scale trial of a new alternative low-carbon fuel.

“This is a precursor to the Glass Futures’ Global Centre of Excellence which is being delivered in St Helen’s, where smaller scale trials will take place with even more innovative approaches. These initiatives will catalyse the industry towards more sustainable, zero carbon glass production and the state-of-the-art facility will enable its members and partners to work collaboratively to research, develop and demonstrate innovative solutions.”

, © Encirc UK

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