Glass Industry News

Sibsteklo expects to increase the cullet flow in cooperation with HoReCa

, LLC Siberian Glass Sibsteklo,

As part of the creation of its own glass waste recycling system, LLC Siberian Glass (an asset of the RATM Holding) organizes a separate collection of used glass containers at the enterprises of the HoReCa sector. Let us remind you that it is technologically more difficult to produce glass containers without cullet, its use improves the quality of glass. One ton of cullet replaces 1.2 tons of natural components, thus Sibsteklo optimizes the cost of delivering minerals from other regions. Since glass can be recycled an unlimited number of times, the rate of depletion of reserves of mineral formations in the earth's crust slows down. In addition, the melting point of cullet is not as high as a mixture of sand, soda and dolomite: every 10% of recyclable materials in the batch reduces energy consumption by 3%. With a decrease in energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions into the environment decrease, and glass furnaces burn out not after 7-10 years, but after 10-15 years.

“At present, more than a hundred restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels and entertainment complexes cooperate with Sibstekl; in aggregate, more than 20 tons of cullet are exported from them per month,” says Anton Mor, acting general director of Siberian Glass LLC.  - We intend to develop this direction, since the potential of this segment allows us to receive approximately 100 tons of cullet per month in the autumn-winter period and more than 200 tons in the spring-summer period.  We assume that by the summer the number of partners will double.  The company believes that the primary sorting of waste should take place at the source of their generation - catering establishments, apartment buildings, industrial complexes. 

First of all, this contributes to the improvement of the quality of the secondary resource, its involvement in industrial turnover.  “For example, when transporting mixed waste, glass containers are destroyed, since the contents of modern garbage trucks are compressed under strong pressure, which makes the bottle crushed into fragments, which are problematic to extract in the absence of optical separators,” Anton Mor recalled.

That is why Sibsteklo participates in projects for the separate accumulation of glass waste - it interacts with management companies and homeowners' associations, and also opened points for receiving glass waste from the population - they are located in areas with dense multi-storey buildings and high pedestrian traffic. - The payback at the points is different, some work "to zero", - states Anton Mor. - Nevertheless, we plan that their number will increase in the spring. The placement of collection points is one of the key areas of the Sibstekla environmental program: one of the company's priorities is to promote the formation of a culture of waste management in Novosibirsk. More and more Novosibirsk citizens are sorting MSW, thus, citizens should have the opportunity to hand over glass waste for processing, including for money.

, © LLC Siberian Glass Sibsteklo,

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