Glass Industry News

Trosifol invests in Czech location

, Kuraray

Kuraray is continuing to invest in its Czech production site in Holešov. The most recent investment expands the manufacturing of its SentryGlas® product – the world's only film for glass interlayers made of ionoplast – and will enable the plant to produce the class-leading interlayer on rolls widths up to 330 cm. The installation is expected to take place in February 2021, with sales of these rolls starting in the third quarter 2021.

Architects and designers have been designing buildings with larger less supported glass. Many laminators are accepting this challenge and pushing the limits of glass size that can be produced. SentryGlas® structural properties make it ideal for large panels of glass by enabling thinner lighter glass with less deflection.

Initially, the two UltraClear products –SentryGlas® and
SentryGlas® Xtra – will be available. SentryGlas® Natural UV and
SentryGlas® Translucent White will follow later in the year:

- SentryGlas® Xtra™ (SGX™) improves processing efficiency and reduces the processing requirements for laminators. Of particular interest is the reduced risk of haze which is often caused by insufficient cooling speed.

- SentryGlas® Natural UV: Designed to allow the transmission of broad-spectrum natural UV light required by many living species. SentryGlas® Natural UV combines the strength, security and edge stability of SentryGlas® ionoplast interlayers with natural UV transmission making it an ideal interlayer for laminated glass for zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens In contrast to most safety glass interlayer technologies, SentryGlas® does not require UV protection for lasting strength and transparency.

- SentryGlas® Translucent White Ionoplast intermediate layers for laminated safety glass combine all technical advantages and structural properties of SentryGlas®, i.e. safer, lighter and more durability, with various white color effects for a pleasant aesthetics and privacy.

Tomas Horak, shift leader SentryGlas® production Holešov, is delighted: “We are very proud that Kuraray has decided to invest in our site again. By commissioning the SentryGlas® line, the team has proven that it can do great things. In particular, the flatness of our SentryGlas® rolls is excellent and I am confident that in the future we will be able to ensure this outstanding product property, even with the maximum width of 330 cm."

The SentryGlas® production in Holešov was put into operation 2003. Production of SentryGlas® started in 2019. A new cutting table was installed at the end of 2019 to cut sheet material that is produced in the USA to size.

Like all other Trosifol production sites, the Holešov site is geared towards global delivery.

Trosifol is the leading global producer of PVB and ionoplast interlayers for laminated safety glass applications in the architectural segment. With the biggest product portfolio worldwide, Trosifol offers outstanding solutions:

  • Structural: Trosifol® Extra Stiff (ES) PVB and SentryGlas® ionoplast films
  • Acoustic: Trosifol® SC Monolayer and Multilayer PVB films for sound insulation
  • Trosifol® film for UV control: Trosifol® UV Extra Protect, Trosifol® Natural UV and SentryGlas® Natural UV - from complete UV protection to natural UV transmittance
  • Trosifol® UltraClear PVB film for the lowest yellowing value in the industry
  • Decorative & design: Black and white, color and printable interlayers

, © Kuraray

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