Glass Industry News

Arc announces the appointment of Éric Trupin as Group CFO

, Arc International

With the reorganization of Arc’s financial structure now complete, Xavier Roy-Contancin, Group CFO, has made the decision to retire effective February 28, 2021. Xavier, who joined Arc in 2019, with the primary focus of leading an ambitious finance transformation and modernization plan, will remain a member of Arc’s Board of Directors.

Group Management would like to warmly thank him for the high-quality support he has shown during this transformation, in particular by assisting to obtain the financing agreements that were extremely important for the sustainability of the company.

Éric Trupin, currently CFO Europe & Group CIO, will succeed him as Group CFO/CIO. This appointment will be effective January 1, 2021 with Xavier supporting Éric in his new duties to ensure a smooth transition in the interim. In addition to Éric’s current responsibilities for Europe and Group IT, his new scope now gives him accountability for all Group Finance activities.

“We are pleased that Éric has accepted this role within the Group. Given his success in managing the Europe Finance function and Group IT, we are confident in his ability to continue to progress the work of the Group Finance team. Xavier's expertise was extremely valuable for the Group during this challenging period, which confronted us with many obstacles, both structural and economic. We are delighted that he will continue on as a member of our Board”, explains Nick Hodler, Group CEO.


Arc employs more than 7,500 people worldwide, including 4,500 in France. The Group, whose head office is located in Arques, in the French Pas-de-Calais region, achieved gross sales of €811 million in 2019. Armed with its know-how in glassware, it developed globally and currently markets its complete tableware ranges to more than 160 countries.

The Group covers the Consumer Goods and Food Service markets through a portfolio of brands – Luminarc®, Arcoroc®, ArcopalTM, Cristal d'Arques® Paris, Eclat Cristal d’Arques® Paris, Chef&Sommelier®. For over 40 years, the Group has also been serving professional customers – industrial groups, wholesalers, manufacturers of semi-finished and finished products, service providers – with a wide range of tailor-made solutions to meet their specific needs (industry, advertising, premiums, loyalty).

The Arc group is present in many regions of the world, through its production sites (France, United States, China, United Arab Emirates), its distribution subsidiaries (United States, Italy, Russia, India, Australia, Japan, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea) and its liaison offices.

The Group has adopted a strategy of sustainable development in order to balance economic requirements, social responsibility and respect for the environment, and joined the U.N.'s Global Compact in 2003.

Contact :
Blanche de Corbiac : 33 (0)1 43 34 31 00


, © Arc International

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