Glass Industry News

The renaming and reorganisation of GlobalGlass Group, the owner of Steklarna Hrastnik and SFS Paracin

, Steklarna Hrastnik

The name of the GlobalGlass Group which currently consists of four subsidiaries, including one production location in Slovenia (Steklarna Hrastnik) and one in Serbia (SFS Paraćin), will soon be changed into “Vaider Group”, with the purpose of providing an even more efficient corporate management and positioning in the market of packaging glass. The renaming is part of a thorough overhaul of the image and trademarks of the Group, as well as a reinforcement of business functions with the extended management of the Group.

Igor Lah, President of the Vaider Group: “Pursuant to its strategy, the Group will continue to expand and grow organically. Development plans in both subsidiaries, Steklarna Hrastnik in Slovenia and SFS Paraćin in Serbia, are currently ongoing and are already being implemented. We will also reinforce our own sales offices abroad (currently in France and in Great Britain).”

The last major acquisition was performed in the second half of 2022 when the Group acquired Srbska fabrika stakla in Paraćin, where an extensive investment cycle is already underway; the commissioning of a new furnace as early as 2024 will enable a substantial increase in the production of packaging glass and provide for an increased presence in the markets throughout Central and Southeast Europe.

Peter Čas, MSc, CEO of the Vaider Group: “On international markets, the Group will perform under the single brand name Vaider Group, while the subsidiaries Steklarna Hrastnik d.o.o. (including the trademark Hrastnik1860) and SFS Paraćin d.o.o. remain well-known companies in the field of manufacturing high- quality special glass packaging and mass-consumption glass packaging. The packaging glass segment, in which the Group is already present as one of the best-established European suppliers, is recording a stable growth rate.”

While core values of all companies within the Group remain unchanged, Vaider Group reveals an updated visual identity reflecting the common goals of the Group, symbolising the expansion and coordinated action within the extended family of companies. We are therefore proud to present this new global brand of the 21st century which has been created on the basis of over 160 years of tradition and know-how in the field of glass packaging manufacture.

Vaider Group will be managed by a united and dedicated management composed by its President Igor Lah, its CEO Peter Čas, MSc, and its CFO Tanja Petročnik. Other key functions in the Group will also be held by Matevž Fazarinc, the COO of the Vaider Group and the Managing director of Steklarna Hrastnik d.o.o., Magdalena Šurina, the Executive Finance Director, Klemen Resman, the Executive Sales and Marketing Director, Nataša Bukanovsky Kosi as the Executive Director for Legal and General Affairs, and Andrej Obreza as the Executive Supply Chain Director. In holding these new functions, they will be supplementing their existing functions and operations at the level of production companies of the Vaider Group.

All official titles and other contact information of affiliated companies of the Vaider Group shall remain unchanged. For more information, see and

Due to a change in the organisational structure of the Vaider Group and the aforementioned affiliated companies, we will also gradually overhaul the corporate image of these companies, which will allow us to increase our presence with the new visual image on the global glass packaging markets. Our commitment to innovativeness, sustainability, and the satisfaction of our clients remain the key components of our actions in the market of packaging glass.

After all, a new image is like a new dress: we’re proud of it and we like to show it off. Thank you for accompanying us on our business journey.


Igor Lah, President

Peter Čas, MSc, CEO

, © Steklarna Hrastnik

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