Glass Industry News

Aegg Launches New Wine Bottles and Showcases Drinks Bottle Range at Imbibe Live

, British Glass

Aegg Creative Packaging, UK-based food & drink packaging company supplying packaging into global markets, is exhibiting at Imbibe Live, London Olympia, on 3-4 July 2023 at stand B72.

Aegg, a British Glass member, will be launching its new and exclusive range of wine bottles as well as its collection of spirit bottles and soft drinks bottles. Aegg partners with supermarket own brands, contract fillers, drinks manufacturers, craft drinks brands & distillers and independent manufacturers to supply their ready-to-order glass bottles.

Wine Bottles Launch
Aegg is launching a new range of wine bottles at Imbibe Live, which is exclusive to Aegg in the UK. The range includes Burgundy and Bordeaux bottles in flint and several shades of green, as well as a lighter ‘ecoglass’ wine bottle, all available in cork or thread mouth types. The bottles come from an environmentally-aware manufacturer, who is working to achieve 50% recycled glass in their bottles by 2025, and zero waste to landfill in their production plants.

Spirit Bottles
Aegg’s carefully curated range of flint spirits bottles will be on show at Aegg’s stand, which are ideal for a variety of spirits including whisky, gin, vodka, and rum. The flagship spirits bottle from the range, the ‘Yenice’, is produced by a BRC accredited manufacturer, is exclusive to Aegg in the UK, and is on average 20%* lighter than other similar bottles available in the UK. The lighter weight makes it more environmentally friendly, as it uses fewer raw materials and creates less CO2 during manufacturing and onward distribution. Even though the bottle is lighter, there is absolutely no compromise on quality and it is fully recyclable.
*Based on comparing the weight of 6 similar bottles currently available in the UK, with an average weight of 669g. The Yenice bottle weighs 525g.

Water and Soft Drinks Bottle Range
Aegg will be displaying its growing range of glass beverage bottles at Imbibe Live, starting from 200ml right up to 750ml, available in both crown and MCA finish. Ideal for single serve right up to multi serve, they are suitable for both still or carbonated drinks. 

Aegg is a dedicated food and beverage packaging company supplying drinks bottles, pots, bowls, jars, and sauce bottles into global markets. Aegg packaging can be found on premium shelves of major supermarkets and on airline meals and in foodservice outlets. All Aegg’s packaging is manufactured at world class accredited production sites, in Europe and elsewhere across the globe. Aegg offers ‘off-the-shelf’ products as well as turnkey project management solutions. With its own in-house design team, customers are encouraged to work in partnership with Aegg for their more bespoke or creative packaging needs. Following Aegg’s multi-million pound investment into its packaging logistics infrastructure, Aegg provides its own in-house distribution, recyclable plastic food packaging manufacturing, transport and warehouse solutions alongside its range of packaging products on offer.

, © British Glass

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