Glass Industry News

The inaugural ceremony of Deli-JW Glass Manufacturing Complex at PM office Islamabad

, Deli Jw Glassware

In the presence of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan (official) Javed Afridi.

FOLLOWING PM IMRAN’S AGENDA DELI CHINA & JW SEZ GROUP TO BUILT GLASS MANUFACTURING COMPLEX FOR CREATION OF JOBS IN PAKISTAN. Inauguration of Pak-China Glass Manufacturing Complex. The more investment would invite more employment & help the more poverty alleviation. Islamabad:  Deli-JW Glassware Co Limited has been established with the collaboration of Deli China and JW-SEZ Group and other shareholders.
Pak-China Investment Co Limited is facilitating the Chinese investment in Pakistan, and is also assisting in financing of the project. This project will inject approx., US$ 200 million into the economy, and is expected to create manufacturing and construction jobs, supporting the Government’s Agenda on creation of 10 million Jobs.  The object of the project is to establish a modern, world-class Glass Manufacturing Complex for the production of premium, export quality glass products in Pakistan. The project will utilize the natural resources in Pakistan and use latest technology to convert into glassware, float glass and other kinds of glass products.

The Deli-JW Glass Manufacturing Complex Investment Inaugural & Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on 25th October 2018 in the Prime Minister Office, Islamabad. The ceremony was attended by some of the most prominent businessmen and government officials of Pakistan.

The Chinese Ambassadors to Pakistan were also present along with the Chinese delegation.  Some of the names included H.E. Yao Jing, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of China to Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Minister of Industries, Commerce and Investment, Punjab along with Shah Faisal CEO, JW-SEZ Group, M Javed Afridi, CEO, HNR Company, Mr. Shi WeiDong Chairman, Anhui Deli Glass Co and Wang RongFu CEO, Deli-JW Glassware Company.
The whole delegation of Deli-JAW Glassware Company was present as well.  From the Federal Cabinet, Defense Minister, Pervaiz Khattak, Murad Saeed, minister of state for communications, Ali Muhammad Khan, Minister of state for Parliamentary affairs, Faisal Vewda, Current Federal minister for water resources, Usman Dar, Chairman of Prime minister youth program along with other ministers were also present.

On this huge occasion, Mr. Javed Afridi said that, this initiative of “Make in Pakistan” will definitely boost the economy and will also prove Pakistan of the best product producers in international market. He further said that the production from Glassware units will replace import of premium quality glassware from China and elsewhere into Pakistan and enable Pakistan to export it to the rest of the world. Prime Minister, Imran Khan, on this initiative said that “initiatives like “Make in Pakistan” are immensely important for the economic development of Pakistan. We need to promote such initiatives and the Government will fully support such projects which aim to produce jobs and boost the economy of Pakistan.

I appreciate the efforts of Afridi brothers & JW- SEZ Group for bringing Chinese investment to Pakistan. I also believe that this investment is an indication of foreign investors’ confidence in the market of Pakistan. I wish the stakeholders the best of luck in the successful completion of this project.” According to the timeline shared by the officials, the project will be set up in Industrial City M-3, FIEDMC, Faisalabad on owing to its existing industrial & utility infrastructure and its SEZ status. The unit for the processing of key Raw Materials will be set up in Risalpur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on privately purchased land.

The main Glass Manufacturing Complex will comprise Glassware Manufacturing Units (Phase1), Float Glass Units (Phase2), and other / Downstream Value-Added Glass Products (Phase 3). The Phase 1 Ground breaking was held today bringing the production on line by end 2019. On the heels of Phase 1, the Principal Shareholders plan to initiate Phases 2 and Phase 3, based on strongest support of the Government of Pakistan as well as the Government of the Punjab in extending the SEZ Incentives and the SEZ Facilities (in particular electricity, natural gas at competitive prices) for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the project.

Moreover, the Government will expedite the facilitation of Special Economic Zones. It is said that In this regard the policy reforms are needed on two fronts particularly. First, the deadline of incentives offered to SEZs under Pakistan SEZ Act may be extended from June 2020 to June 2030. Second, one window operations should be set up at local level for processing of SEZ applications.
JW Deli hopes to be a game changer for the Pakistan Glass Manufacturing Industry and aims to boost the economy of Pakistan.

, © Deli Jw Glassware

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