Glass Industry News

Ferro and Dip-Tech to Exhibit Their Digital and Conventional Glass Printing Solutions at Mir SteklaMoscow, Russia, April 2-5

, Dip-Tech

With dedicated solutions for architectural, automotive and appliances glass, new conventional inks across applications set to “wow” the local market.

March 26, 2019 – Ferro, a leading global provider of functional coatings and color solutions for glass is pleased to announce it will be presenting together with its digital glass printing subsidiary Dip-Tech at the Mir Stekla show, Moscow, from April 2-5, 2019 in booth FC062.
A showcase for digital glass printing
The Ferro booth will highlight the broad array of Dip-Tech digital ceramic glass printing solutions with the Nera D Plus for architectural, NEra V Plus for automotive and VEra for appliances markets. Each solution includes special inks packages, software, and 360° support across all aspects of business.
Throughout its 10 years of activity in Eurasia, Dip-Tech has powered exciting projects, working with local glass processors like Modern Glass, who praise the fruitful partnership. “We chose Dip-Tech as the most advanced printers for printing on glass and as a partner that would grow along with us and meet our needs,” commented Michael Dedovich, CEO, Modern Glass. “Dip-Tech is one of the few suppliers that not only provides quality equipment and components, but offers technical and marketing support as well. For us, and our clients, this is a very important differentiator. ״
All show visitors are invited to drop by, meet the Ferro and Dip-Tech experts and explore both digital and conventional glass printing solutions, new printed glass samples, stunning pattern catalogs, and proprietary tools for success.
In addition to its presence in the Ferro booth, Dip-Tech will be represented at Mir Stekla by its local agent, YTA, in booth FF050 where visitors are invited to view multiple functional applications on printed glass panels.
Incredible advances in conventional print applications
Mir Stekla will serve a platform for highlighting Ferro’s latest developments for conventional applications. These include newly developed colors for automotive, which have a very high chemical resistance and allow for fast firing cycles in the press bending process, meeting the industry’s exacting demands for complex curved front windows and back lights, as well as a new generation of conductive silver inks.

For flat glass, Ferro will be showcasing its highly successful s1de ONE range now extended by eight new matt colors, plus introducing its new True Edge Application (TEA) system that allows structural glazing with glass enamels at the edge of PVD coated glass.
Container glass, will present its extensive product portfolio, covering organic and inorganic screen printing colors, forehearth colors and organic coatings, further enriched by the recent acquisition of Diegel GmbH and Pinturas Benicarlo S.L.

, © Dip-Tech

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