Glass Industry News


, Onyx Solar

Onyx Solar signs the largest project of photovoltaic integration in Africa with Privida and Sterling Bank. This project aims to remodel the bank’s headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria with Onyx Solar’s photovoltaic glass.

Onyx Solar will supply up to 6,500 m² of crystalline silicon photovoltaic glass to be installed over the building’s spandrels. As a result of this integration, the leading bank in Nigeria will also become a reference in terms of modernity and sustainability. What’s more, Onyx Solar commits to plant up to 6,500 trees in Africa as part of its tree-plant program “one square meter, one tree”.

The installation of 3,250 crystalline silicon glass units imply up to 1 MWp of installed power, which will substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and its ecological footprint.

Onyx Solar continues its international expansion in Africa with new photovoltaic integration projects. Soon, the Spanish company will also install its photovoltaic glass for Microsoft’s headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Thanks to this innovative technology, the tech giant takes a step forward to be aligned with 10 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations.

Onyx Solar's photovoltaic glass was previously integrated into I&M Bank’s headquarters in Nairobi, which led to the construction of the largest photovoltaic skylight in Africa. This skylight is made up of 2,200 m² of amorphous photovoltaic glass with different degrees of transparency.

Other projects in Africa worth mentioning are the Union National Bank of Egypt’s photovoltaic façade and a photovoltaic canopy located at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University of Morocco.

Onyx Solar is a technology company founded in 2009 in Avila, Spain that manufactures photovoltaic glass for buildings. Its glass allows buildings to generate clean and free energy thanks to the sun. What’s more, it also provides thermal insulation.
Onyx’s photovoltaic glass was already installed into skyscrapers in Singapore, convention centers in Canada, tourist attractions in Dubai, railway stations in the US, hospitals in Norway, banks in Kenya, embassies in Indonesia, shopping malls in Mexico or universities and colleges in Australia.

The world’s leading companies in their industries such as Apple, Samsung, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Novartis, Pfizer, Heineken, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and other renowned multinationals already benefit from the energy generated by photovoltaic glass integrated into their buildings. Among Onyx’s clients there are also prestigious institutions such as the Edmonton City Council, a global reference for its effort to combat climate change; the US National Nuclear Security Agency; and the US embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia.

During these years, Onyx Solar also worked closely with leading architecture and construction firms such as Normal Fosters, Gensler, Perkins + Wills, SOM, Skanska, ACS, and Turner, among others.

Lastly, Onyx Solar has won more than 80 international awards, making Onyx Solar the most awarded company in the photovoltaic sector and consolidating its global leadership. In 2019, the European Commission awarded Onyx Solar as the "European Champion in Innovation".

, © Onyx Solar

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