Glass Industry News

Major accolade for Jeanette MacIntyre of Indeglas as she is inducted into Edinburgh Napier University SACI Hall of Fame

, Indeglas

The outstanding achievements of Jeanette MacIntyre, committed entrepreneur and founder of glass specialist Indeglas, have been formally recognised by her alma mater with her induction this month (June 2021) into its prestigious Hall of Fame.

The School of Arts and Creative Industries (SACI) at Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) awarded the rare accolade to Jeanette in tribute to her creative talent as well as acknowledging the significant contribution she has made to the built environment sector.

Jeanette’s career has culminated in founding one of the most technologically adept interior glass solutions businesses in the UK and ENU have celebrated and made the award which includes the design of a unique wall plaque to be displayed at the Merchiston Campus and released several digital celebrations on alumni social media.

Jeanette, who has led the way in interior glass solutions since graduating from Edinburgh Napier in 1985 with a Diploma in Interior Design, is committed to ensuring innovation, people-centred design and sustainability remains at the heart of the future built environment and to this end she currently serves as co-Vice Chair of  Construction Scotland Innovation Centre.  Jeanette is also a board member of Lanarkshire Enterprise Services Limited (LESL) where she uses the benefit of her business acumen to support strategy for the team dedicated to the delivery of Government support in the form of training and grant aid for micro businesses SME’s throughout Lanarkshire and beyond.

She said: “I feel intensely proud to represent the School of Arts and Creative Industries at Edinburgh Napier in this way. I hope to fully credit the honour, supporting current and future students, and by sharing the learning I have accumulated for the benefit of others.”

Jeanette, who also met her husband of 31 years at ENU, set up an interior design consultancy in Edinburgh and for five years carried out design consultancy and fitting out work for companies such as Christian Salvesen, the Pharmaceutical Society and McTaggart and Mickel Homes. 

She joined Nelso, part of Tarmac Construction, as design manager then co-founded Zenith Contract Interiors. In association with the Danish glazed screen manufacturer DEKO, the company became DEKO Scotland and specialised in tested system glass applications, as well as creating bespoke engineered solutions with glass. 

Jeanette completed a management buyout in 2013 and re-branded the company as Indeglas in 2017.  The accreditations, design methodology and ethics advocated by Indeglas provides a unique and trusted partner for some of the UK’s major contractors and architects who rely on an innovative approach, sound advice and a wealth of experience of glass and glass systems from early design stage through to a complete post construction maintenance.

Reflecting on her career, Jeanette highlights that her top five criteria for success are: collaboration; keeping a positive mindset; remaining true to your own values; being considerate of others; and above all to radiate kindness.

And, offering guidance to ENU alumni who might wish to follow in her footsteps, she points out the importance of good leadership skills and adopting positive, collaborative approaches when obstacles get in the way of progress.

She said: “Along the way you learn to accept that, to be successful, it’s not essential to excel in every aspect of business.

“Gaining trust and respect, actively practicing life-long learning, openly learning from mistakes and recognising and acting on good advice while creating an environment where others share your passion, feel valued for the skills they bring and can reach their full potential, is a far better strategy for overcoming most challenges.”

, © Indeglas

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