Glass Industry News

Ompi and SiO2 Medical Products sign a collaboration agreement to provide SMP’s containers in EZ-fill® configuration

, Stevanato Group

Pharmaceutical and biological customers can benefit from an extended supplier offering for their fill-finish lines and from a faster drug product time-to-market
 Piombino Dese, Padua, Italy, and Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A. - February 6, 2019 - Stevanato Group, through Ompi, its specialist in glass primary packaging for the pharmaceutical industry, and SiO2 Medical Products, Inc. (“SMP”) jointly announce today a collaboration agreement.

The agreement will enable pharmaceutical and biologics customers, contract filling organizations, and research laboratories to receive SMP's proprietary primary containers in Ompi’s industry-recognized EZ-fill® packaging configurations in trays and nest & tubs.

SiO2 Medical Products, Inc., a privately-owned company, develops and manufactures precision-molded containers composed of engineered polymers, such as cyclic olefin polymer (COP), and incorporates a thin, transparent, silicon-based coating system composed of organosiloxane and silica nano-layers, which can also incorporate distinct surface properties. This new and patented coating system provides the durability and dimensional consistency of plastics with the oxygen barrier properties, ultra-low extractables, and pH stability of silica glass (i.e., quartz). Bringing together the best qualities of both plastics and glass containers, without their respective drawbacks, presents an innovative approach to primary packaging.

SMP’s primary containers supplied in Ompi’s industry-known packaging configurations readily integrate with existing fill-finish processing lines and accelerate the commercialization of pharmaceuticals and biologics. EZ-fill® trays and nest & tubs are designed to mitigate the risk of breakages, cosmetic issues, and particulate generation. Validated to be shipped in quantities as low as a single carton, Ompi EZ-fill® offers a solution that can be extended from the clinical trial stage through to industrialization.

Andrea Zambon, Marketing Director – Pharmaceutical Systems Division, Stevanato Group, said: "With the agreement with SMP, Ompi further strengthens its EZ-fill® technology leadership and market positioning in secondary packaging. Thanks to our flexible, easy to use, and lean solution, clients can immediately integrate the EZ-fill® packaging into their fill-finish lines to commercialize their therapies in the primary container of their choice, now including SMP’s proprietary primary containers.”

Robert S. Abrams, Founder, CEO and Chairman of SMP, said: "We look forward to working with Ompi to fast-track the packaging, transportation, supply, and integration of SMP’s primary containers with existing fill-finish lines. Ompi’s industry-recognized EZ-fill® packaging configurations are often requested by our customers, and we are pleased to collaborate to make that request a reality.”


About Stevanato Group:
Founded in 1949, the Stevanato Group is the world’s largest privately-owned designer and producer of glass parenteral packaging for the pharmaceutical industry. It comprises two operational divisions dedicated to serving the pharmaceutical industry. The Pharmaceutical Systems division comprises Ompi, specializing in glass primary packaging, and Balda, focused on specialty plastics and delivery devices. The Engineering Systems division comprises Spami, Optrel, InnoScan and SVM, specializing in glass processing, inspection systems, assembly and packaging solutions. These two divisions enjoy a close, mutually supportive relationship, which ensures that Stevanato Group has complete control over the entire production process. The Group also benefits from the SG Lab activity that provides technical and analytical services on the potential interaction between drug and container.

, © Stevanato Group

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