Glass Industry News

Luoyang Lucky Win Glass Co.,Ltd. Launching New Product To The World

, Luoyang Lucky Win Glass Co.,Ltd.

China Glass Network) As we all known, Chinese glass market plays an important role in the world. As “one belt and road” strategy of our government, more and more Chinese glass enterprises show interests in exporting. Facing competitions, they are actively in innovations, services and products. Among of them, Luoyang Lucky Win Glass Co., Ltd. takes activity in new products. 
In order to expand the market share, raise the popularity and actively open up the domestic and international market, Luoyang Lucky Win Glass Co., Ltd. has recently developed new products such as Nano-oxidation-resistant temperable mirror and AR anti-reflective glass.etc.

Nano-oxidation-resistant temperable mirror is on-line coated glass, without back painting,it is temperable, eco-friendly mirror, it solve the problem that traditional silver mirror,aluminum mirror can not be tempered in different places and easy to oxidize, be black edge. It is environmental protection material, no harmful substances are produced in the process of production and use. It is high temperature-resistant. It is high machinability, can be flat bending, tempering, laminating. With good alkali resistance, it has long life. The color is silver white mirror, blue grey mirror, euro bronze mirror, modern grey mirror, etc. And it is widely used in the fields of civil aviation, High speed train, High grade Hotel, building, household, decoration, etc. it can be cut and tempered freely.

AR anti-reflective glass, also known as anti-reflection glass, is the use of magnetron sputtering on the two surfaces of the ultra white glass anti reflective film, greatly reducing the surface reflcetance of glass, the highest transmittance will reach 99%. Surface reflection from 8%- to below 1%, and can reduce the electronic screen video images under ambient light reflective glare problems, greatly improve the contrast and resolution of flat panel display in strong light environment, at the same partly improve the brightness of the display. It is high clear and can moisten eyes. Application scope: Display device protection screen, Touch screen, Museum Exhibition hall, Photo frame glass., etc.

Since launching, our new products are exported to Germany, the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Brazil and other countries, which are favored and praised highly by domestic and foreign customers.  
As a professional website in glass industry, China Glass Network hopes there will be more and more innovation brands entering and shining on the stage in the world. 

, © Luoyang Lucky Win Glass Co.,Ltd.

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