Glass Industry News

Meyer Burger presents new products at Intersolar Europe in Munich

, Meyer Burger

Meyer Burger offers solar modules with above-average longevity and warranties with the highest yields for both residential roofs and solar power plants

The entire portfolio of Meyer Burger high-performance modules contains no toxic lead and is produced with highest social standards and without forced labor

Meyer Burger provides outlook on modules with high-performance heterojunction solar cells with IBC technology

New cell technology achieves significantly higher energy yields and is even more stable


Meyer Burger Technology AG will be presenting itself this year at Intersolar Europe from June 19 to 21, 2024 in Munich as a provider of sustainably produced solar products “Designed in Switzerland”. As the only manufacturer of solar cells with its own production equipment outside of Asia, the company will be presenting products that offer particularly high yields per square meter as well as manufacturing conditions that meet high social and environmental standards. In addition to the current portfolio, the new utility module for ground-mounted systems, the future IBC module (Interdigitated Back Contact) with its particularly high output and yield, the Meyer Burger Balcony solar system manufactured entirely in Germany and the innovative Meyer Burger Tile, a solar roof tile, will be presented at booth A1.470 in hall A1. 

Pioneering technology with particularly stable solar modules

Against the backdrop of the current debate on the reliability of new solar cell technologies, Meyer Burger is presenting its heterojunction solar modules with solar cells produced in Germany. The company has been developing production technologies in the field of photovoltaics for decades and sets standards with particularly low degradation values and high yield stability.

From balconies to solar parks: sustainable products for every situation

All Meyer Burger products are produced sustainably: they are free of toxic lead and are manufactured according to high social and ethical standards without forced labor. The handy Meyer Burger Black is the ideal solution for the new balcony solar systems, which are available directly from the Meyer Burger webshop and can be seen for the first time at the trade show booth. Also new and on show for the first time: Meyer Burger modules with half cells in M10 format and higher power classes, including the new utility module with 144 half cells and power classes of up to around 600 watt peak in future. This module is designed for applications in solar parks and will be manufactured at Meyer Burger's new plant in Arizona in the USA. The Meyer Burger IBC module with a new cell technology, which makes it possible to place all contacts on the back of the solar cells, will also be making its debut at the trade show. This not only increases the surface area on which solar energy can be converted into electricity, it also increases efficiency and energy yields, and the top side of the modules appears completely black. In tests, the modules show significantly increased reliability thanks to extremely low degradation values.

Outlook: Reliable partner for customers in Europe and North America

Although Meyer Burger had to discontinue Europe's largest solar module production at its Freiberg site in Saxony (Germany) due to ongoing market distortions caused by cheap Chinese imports, the company will remain a reliable partner for its customers in Europe and North America. The product and performance warranties provided will continue to apply to all solar products. The focus of production will be expanded this year to locations in the U.S., and solar cells for module production in the U.S. will continue to be manufactured in Germany until further notice.  Meyer Burger has opened up additional sales channels for its European customers and has been offering direct sales in an online store for private customers since April. For private customers wishing to purchase larger PV systems, Meyer Burger is cooperating with Otovo, one of the leading European trading platforms for solar systems. Installers continue to buy through the well-known distributors in Europe, over 1 000 certified specialist partners have registered on the Meyer Burger website and continue to sell Meyer Burger products.

Visit us at our booth A1.470 in hall A1!

, © Meyer Burger

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