Glass Industry News

Velux modular skylights combined with photovoltaics

, Velux

The new building of the Tyrolean educational centre in Lans, Austria, offers optimal conditions for users with its special architectural and lighting concept. A shed roof construction with Velux Modular Skylights ensures homogeneous daylight penetration with north-facing light bands. At the same time, PV modules keep the energy footprint of the education centre small.

A total of 75 Velux Modular Skylights modules are used in the shed roof continuous rooflights in the Lans Education Centre in Tyrol to provide children and teachers with plenty of daylight. The arrangement of the glass surfaces to the north guarantees even and glare-free lighting.

Thanks to generous air spaces, daylight reaches from the roof to the ground floor of the building.


Can Velux Skylights also be opened?

Yes. Openable ventilation modules ensure good indoor air quality through cross-ventilation and natural air conditioning

The maximum use of daylight not only reduces energy consumption, but at the same time increases the well-being of the people on site.

The school complex was planned by Schwärzler Architekten ZT GmbH and includes a primary school, crèche and kindergarten as well as a music school, library and event centre.


The orientation of the skylights to the north allows bright areas for playing, reading and working with constant, optimal daylight illumination.

The new rooms offer space for flexible pedagogical concepts. Central zones between kindergarten and school create openness and easy orientation.

The centrepiece is a multifunctional staircase with various integrated play facilities. Thanks to the high level of daylight, the school's foyer can be used in a variety of ways: from children eating together to community events.

Velux Modular Skylights support sustainable building concept

The two atriums are each supplied with natural daylight via three Velux Modular Skylights shed roof light strips with a total of 75 modules. The orientation to the north enables the use of the bright so-called "marketplaces" for playing, reading and working with constant, optimal lighting from early morning until late at night.

An adequate supply of daylight to the educational complex is a component of the ambitious energy concept, which relies as much as possible on renewable energies by means of a ventilation system with heat recovery, photovoltaics and a heat pump.


The sustainable building concept is rounded off by a green roof and the use of a high proportion of renewable and PVC-free building materials and insulation.

Velux Commercial supports planning with daylight visualisation

A daylight evaluation was already created in 2018 with the help of the Daylight Visualizer from Velux Commercial. Using the 3D model, the effects of different glazing with different degrees of light transmission were determined and displayed.


This made it easier to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages and, in the end, to convince the local council to use large continuous rooflights.

Which Velux elements were installed in detail

6 x 65° shed roof arcade rooflights with 75 Velux Modular Skylights:

- 57 fixed modules 1000 x 1200 mm

- 6 fixed modules 900 x 1200 mm

- 12 openable modules 1000 x 1200 mm

, © Velux

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