Glass Industry News

Glaston received a strategically significant order from the leading European processed flat glass manufacturer

, Glaston Oy

Glaston has received a strategically significant order from PRESS GLASS UAB, part of PRESS GLASS Group, the leading European producer of processed flat glass for the construction industry.

The order, valued at approximately EUR 9 million, includes in addition to one tempering line, several insulating glass lines, a grinding line as well as other equipment. The order is booked in Glaston’s received orders for Q2/2021. The lines will be delivered during the first half of 2022. 

Glaston’s customer relationship with PRESS GLASS goes back to 2003 and is based on a common understanding for technology leadership and proven equipment quality. PRESS GLASS is constantly increasing their production capacity and currently runs a total of fourteen production plants in several countries in Europe as well as in the United States.

For PRESS GLASS’ newest investment, Glaston offered a solution that met the customer’s requirements for both flat tempering and insulating glass technologies thereby expanding the earlier tempering cooperation into the insulating glass technology business.

The strategically important deal includes one tempering line, several insulating glass lines, a grinding line as well as other equipment, and demonstrates the strength of Glaston’s versatile product offering. The total value of the deal is approximately EUR 9 million. The lines will be manufactured in Finland and Germany and their delivery is scheduled for the first half of 2022.

“With our current broad and technologically advanced product portfolio we were able to offer a solution including both glass heat treatment and the manufacture of insulating glass units that met PRESS GLASS’s needs. The product offering adds value to the customer, who can benefit from more consolidated technology solutions, increased reliability of operations and a high level of automation”, says CEO Anders Dahlblom.

Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Sasu Koivumäki continues: “At Glaston, the cooperation with PRESS GLASS is highly valued and it’s a great honor for us to be part of their successful journey. The expansion into insulating glass equipment is of great significance and opens up future sales opportunities”.

PRESS GLASS has systematically invested in the state-of the-art technology and Glaston’s tempering furnaces are used in a number of their locations. The lines are typically big sized and always fully equipped with latest technology for highest quality.

Tomasz John, CEO of PRESS GLASS UAB states: “At PRESS GLASS we focus on building a technology advantage in the glass processing industry. In order to guarantee the highest quality of our products we cooperate with the most reputable partners, such as Glaston. Our advanced processes become more and more automated, which allow us to constantly improve our efficiency and customer service”.

, © Glaston Oy

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