Glass Industry News

Digital production boost: SCHOTT breaks ground for state-of-the-art Flat Glass processing plant



  • New factory in Turkey to begin operations in early 2022
  • Investment of €9 million in latest production technology
  • 50 percent higher production of processed flat glass products for the home appliance industry


Specialty glass manufacturer SCHOTT invests €9 million in state of the art production technology and highly digital infrastructure in its Flat Glass production at SCHOTT Orim in Bolu, Turkey.

SCHOTT Orim supplies design-savvy and innovative functional glasses to all the leading home appliance companies in Turkey and abroad. Its wide range of processed flat glass solutions enable features that add real value to home and living products – including retaining the heat inside ovens, making cookers easy to clean, illuminating refrigerators shelves, and turning steam hoods into design elements. The groundbreaking ceremony for the new building took place in July 2021, with production planned to begin in early 2022.

"The investment will increase the production capacity in Bolu by 50 percent and underlines the importance of the home appliance business to SCHOTT. The home appliance industry is an important pillar for us, reinforced by megatrends such as cocooning or urbanization, which result in people upgrading their home and living," states Dr. Heinz Kaiser, member of the SCHOTT Management Board. "Our commitment makes us an innovation partner that enables customers to turn product ideas into reality," says Kaiser.


€15 million investment as part of global growth strategy

SCHOTT has continuously invested in its home appliance manufacturing – almost €15 million in Turkey alone in the past five years. Alongside increased production capacity, the new infrastructure will create new employment, adding up a double-digit number of jobs per year to the current 700 employees.

The engagement in Turkey is part of SCHOTT’s global growth strategy: For the second year in a row, the SCHOTT technology group is running a record investment program, with €350 million being invested this financial year. All projects are on time despite the pandemic.


Pioneering – responsibly – together

These attributes characterize SCHOTT as a manufacturer of high-tech materials based on specialty glass. Founder Otto Schott is considered its inventor and became the pioneer of an entire industry. Always opening up new markets and applications with a pioneering spirit and passion – this is what has driven the #glasslovers at SCHOTT for more than 130 years. Represented in 34 countries, the company is a highly skilled partner for high-tech industries: Healthcare, Home Appliances & Living, Consumer Electronics, Semiconductors & Datacom, Optics, Industry & Energy, Automotive, Astronomy, and Aerospace. In the fiscal year 2020, its 16,500 employees generated sales of 2.24 billion euros. With the best teams, supported by the best digital tools, the group intends to continue to grow. SCHOTT AG is owned by the Carl Zeiss Foundation, one of the oldest foundations in Germany. It uses the Group's dividends to promote science. As a foundation company, SCHOTT has anchored responsibility for employees, society and the environment deeply in its DNA. The goal is to become a climate-neutral company by 2030.


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Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

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