Glass Industry News

Glaston closes deal for automotive pre-processing machines to Chinese customer

, Glaston Group

Glaston Group has closed a deal for several pre-processing machines with Chinese Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited, one of the biggest glass companies in China covering float glass, solar glass, coated glass and automotive glass. The deal is put into effect in two phases. The first phase, with a value of approximately EUR 1 million, is booked in Glaston’s Q4/2019 order intake. The machines will be delivered during the early part of 2020.

Founded in 1988, Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited currently operates seven manufacturing facilities in China with a total area of over 6.83 million sqm and around 15,000 employees. The company is one of the world’s largest automobile glass manufacturers.

Xinyi Glass is a longtime Bystronic glass customer and there is a total of 34 Bystronic glass automotive machines installed and running at Xinyi Glass’ premises. Now Xinyi Glass will set up a completely new factory in Malaysia with automotive glass as one of the main businesses. For the new factory Xinyi Glass has ordered a total of six pre-processing machines for windscreen, sidelite and backlite glass processing. The second phase of the deal is realised upon completion and acceptance of the first phase. The value of the second phase delivery is on the same level as the first one.

Xinyi Glass is a longtime Bystronic glass customer and there is a total of 34 Bystronic glass automotive machines installed and running at Xinyi Glass’ premises. Now Xinyi Glass will set up a completely new factory in Malaysia with automotive glass as one of the main businesses. For the new factory Xinyi Glass has ordered a total of six pre-processing machines for windscreen, sidelite and backlite glass processing. The second phase of the deal is realised upon completion and acceptance of the first phase. The value of the second phase delivery is on the same level as the first one.

“We were successful in closing this deal thanks to our suitable solution, stable quality, good service and competitive commercial package. Xinyi Glass is one of our key customers and we are very happy to continue working with them”, says Jeffrey Zhao, Vice President, Sales and Service, China at Glaston Group.

Glaston Corporation
Glaston is the glass processing industry’s innovative technology leader supplying equipment, services and solutions to the architectural, automotive, solar and appliance industries. The company also supports the development of emerging technologies integrating intelligence to glass.
As of April 2019, Bystronic glass is part of Glaston Group. Together we are committed to providing our clients with both the best know-how and the latest technologies in glass processing, with the purpose of building a better tomorrow through safer, smarter, and more energy efficient glass solutions. We operate globally with manufacturing, services and sales offices in 12 countries. Glaston’s shares (GLA1V) are listed on NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd.

, © Glaston Group

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