Glass Industry News

Egyptian MEG reports about their last furnace renovation


Egyptian MEG reports about their last furnace renovation in Q4/2021 that resulted in a production increase to 280 tons per day container glassware.

The furnace had been partially rebuilt with same design as previously and a new boosting system had been added, increasing the existing capacity by 40 tons per day.

The company had selected Horn Glass Industries for the rebuild, as original furnace designer. They added that several aspects were considered as pro for selection of again Horn Glass Industries for the furnace rebuild. First aspect was that the same design had been choosen for the reconstruction, second aspect were very favourable conditions.

Even with special measures that had been taken because of Covid, the renovation was realized in just 45 days from glass to glass. In average, 260 people worked at the project, counting in foreign specialists, engineers, plant manpower, but also local contractors and consultation team members.

Measures against Covid included wearing facemasks and obligatory Social Distancing but also that the equipment and project site was sanitized on daily basis, staff had to undergo daily checking of fever before entering the project site and periodical PCR tests. Moreover, sanitizer stations were made available all around the project site.

The furnace and production line also had further modernization at the same time, such as to upgrade the hot and cold ends. In detail, following works were executed:

 Hot End:

  • 3 new IS machine 10 sec, one from Bottero and 2 machines from Emhart.
  • 2 annealing lehr( Antonini Italy) .
  • 2 new cross conveyor  .
  • 2 vacuum pumps for extra capacity and power saving.
  • new HP & LP compressor (Atlas Copco), extra capacity and power saving.
  • 2 new cooling towers.
  • 3 new cooling fans For the new IS machines .

Cold End:

  • 3 Vision inspection( Emhart). 
  • 3 mechanical new inspection machines( MX4, Tiama). 
  • 4 palletizers were overhauled and palletizers stackers of line 22 and 23 were upgraded. 4 lanes instead of 2, double capacity.
  • All cold end conveyors were overhauled and line 22 and 23 were upgraded by adding new branch at the infeed of palletizers( Sipac).
  • New shuttle car.
  • Existing shrink machine was overhauled and upgraded to pack double shrink automatic.
  • New reject conveyor system and repaired all exist reject conveyors.
  • New shrink Machine and linked automatically with 4 shuttle car, 4 palletizers and existing shrink machine ( to cover the new capacity of IS machines).

Now, with above all completed, MEG disposes of special strengths and is ready to supply a wide range of glass containers, with most popular products in pharmaceutical glass, soft drinks, jars and bottles for beer and wine.

MEG is proud to deliver mainly the domestic Egyptian market but also some 40% are exported into 25 countries across Africa, Northern America and Asia.

, © MEG

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