Glass Industry News

Verallia reaches an agreement with the Santaolalla Group for the purchase of five of its cullet treatment centers

, Verallia

Building on this commitment, Verallia has acquired cullet (recycled glass) treatment centers across the Group to further its sustainable initiatives.

In Spain and Portugal, Verallia has finalised the acquisition of three companies of the Santaolalla Group: Ecosan Ambiental, Ecolabora and Vidrologic. In doing so, it has taken over five new glass waste processing plants, both for industrial flat glass and hollow glass.

With the purchase of Ecosan, Verallia now has four more cullet treatment centers, one located in Quer (Guadalajara), two in Burgos and one in Torrelavega (Santander).

With the acquisition of Ecolabora, Verallia is taking a bigger role in a pivotal stage of the recycling chain: the logistics of collecting glass for recycling.

And finally, with Vidrologic, Verallia has acquired another flat glass treatment center, one located in Anadia, Portugal

The main objective of this investment is to continue Verallia’s strategy of increasing the percentage of cullet use in our production process and to progress towards our CO2 reduction target to achieve the first major goal of a 46% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 2019.

In this way, we work every day to reduce our carbon footprint at every stage of our value chain, from the use of raw materials (mainly recycled glass) to the optimisation of the efficiency of our furnaces, to the recycling of our waste.

These five new cullet treatment centers join Verallia’s four existing plants in the Iberia peninsula. Of these, two will be commissioned in 2023: Infiniver, and Revimon in joint venture with TMA Recicla.

Infiniver, situated near Seville, boasts an annual capacity of 60 Ktons. Additionally, the facility can separate three-coloured glass. It will primarily supply the Verallia Portugal plant but will also serve other factories within the Group in Spain.

In Portugal, Verallia and its partner TMA Recicla are finalising the start-up of a new cullet processing centre. This new entity, called Revimon, is expected to begin operating in the fourth quarter of 2023 to support Verallia’s Figueira da Foz plant with a processing capacity of 70 Ktons and the ability to separate two-coloured glass.

Also, Verallia now has another plant in Quer (Guadalajara) called Calcín Ibérico in JV with TMA Recicla, which recovers and selects up to 25 tons per hour of white and mixed glass from selective collection, and with the Vidrieras Canarias plant, called Revica, with a capacity to process 48 Ktons per year of glass waste, enough to process everything that is collected in the Canary Islands annually.

“At Verallia, we try to ensure that our activity contributes positively to the objective of our strategy, ‘Re-imagine glass for a sustainable future’, with a commitment to significantly reducing our CO2 emissions in all our operations and improving the circularity of glass packaging” announced Paulo Pinto, General Manager of Verallia Iberia.

Patrice Lucas, CEO of Verallia Group added “As a leader of our industry, we must be the ones to drive transformation, going further and faster by promoting a circular economy. This acquisition and the investment we are doing all over Europe to increase our cullet capacity treatment is fully aligned with our ESG roadmap”

, © Verallia

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