Glass Industry News

Verallia is revolutionizing the timeless Bordelaise bottle introducing one of the most disruptive bottles in the market: the BORDELAISE AIR 300G

, Verallia

As the leading European and the third-largest global producer of glass packaging for beverages and food products, Verallia has designed one of the lightest Bordelaise bottles ever while still preserving the iconic aesthetic contours that have defined the classic Bordelaise bottle for generations. This achievement represents a significant design revolution, positioning Verallia at the forefront of innovative and sustainable breakthroughs.



With a remarkable weight of just 300 grams, this ground-breaking innovation reflects Verallia’s commitment to its purpose of “Reimagining glass for a sustainable future.” Most impressively, this has been achieved without compromising the aesthetics, which are a hallmark of the Bordelaise Air 300G.

Corinne Payen, R&D Director, explains, “This project has been a significant challenge. Our journey involved pioneering modelling tools to anticipate the mechanical resistance of the bottle, encompassing factors such as impact resilience or vertical load endurance. These modelling tools also provided insights into optimizing the precise distribution of glass, considering blank mould design and shaping parameters. However, the innovation doesn’t stop there. Another crucial phase in this challenging journey involves mastering the industrial process, incorporating stringent controls to ensure the glass quality during every phase of production.”

The continuous reduction in bottle weight is a significant strategic challenge for winemakers as they strive to meet their CO2 emission reduction commitments.

A testimonial from one of Verallia France’s customers, Laurent GUILLOT, Grand Bourry CEO, rightly emphasizes this change in the industry: “The Bordelaise Air 300G is a true innovation and a manufacturing marvel. This bottle has successfully combined aesthetics and environmental aspects while maintaining similar strength to heavier bottles. In terms of aesthetics, it is truly very close to an Ecova Bordelaise bottle and is hardly distinguishable for the consumer. In terms of the environmental aspect, with its 25% reduction in weight, it reduces transport costs between the Verallia factory and our bottling lines. But most importantly, concerning finished products, it allows for optimization of container loads for large-scale exports and truck shipments to European countries, which provides a significant advantage to our customers. In conclusion, Verallia has successfully achieved its CO2 reduction goal. Bravo!”

Alessandro Bocchio, Vice-President of Marketing at Verallia, states, “The Bordelaise Air 300G is the combination of tradition, innovation, expertise, and reflects our purpose “Re-imagine glass for a sustainable future”. The entire industry can now access a traditional Bordelaise bottle weighing a mere 300 grams with great aesthetics. It’s finally here.”

The Bordelaise Air 300G has already been produced in Europe and will be manufactured in 2024 in the LATAM region. This bottle is available in three distinct glass colors: antique green, green, and flint. Additionally, it can be supplied with either cork or BVS closures.

Bordelaise Air 300G, get the most with the least.

, © Verallia

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