Glass Industry News

Ardagh Group announces a major 10-year investment in STEM education in Germany impacting 200,000+ students

, Ardagh Group

Ardagh Group S.A. today announced a major multi-year grant to Wissensfabrik to deliver science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education to students in primary and secondary schools in the 13 communities in which Ardagh operates across Germany.

It is expected that over the next 10 years, Ardagh sponsored education programmes will benefit more than 200,000 primary and secondary school students as well as delivering best-in-class teacher training to more than 1,100 teachers across more than 350 schools in Ardagh's German communities. After launching a similar programme in the U.S. in 2021, this partnership is the next major investment as part of Ardagh for Education, Ardagh’s global social sustainability education initiative.

"Ardagh is a major employer in all of the communities in which we operate across the Americas, Europe and Africa. Our team in Germany is made up of more than 3,000 skilled people across our 13 German locations," said Paul Coulson, Chairman and CEO, Ardagh Group. "Social sustainability is at the core of our sustainability strategy. We recognise the critical role education, and access to education, plays in ensuring equal opportunities and in building successful, vibrant communities. We expect to invest €5 million over ten years to support education in our German communities. We are delighted to announce our partnership with Wissensfabrik as part of this multi-year, impactful programme. Ardagh's investment will drive quality STEM education in our German communities that are key to economic development, as well as to our business over the long term."

Wissensfabrik is a leading non-profit organisation which transforms the learning experience for students across Germany to unlock their potential. Wissensfabrik projects have a strong connection to real-world challenges, such as sustainability and the digital transformation, fostering curiosity and allowing students to research and to explore. Thereby, the students do not only learn new skills and critical thinking but also develop a positive perception of STEM topics in general. This investment by Ardagh will impact thousands of students in 13 local communities where Ardagh employees live and work.

"Ardagh Group's commitment to students, teachers, their employees, and the communities they serve is impressive and inspiring. Wissensfabrik is excited to welcome Ardagh as a member of the association and to jointly provide thousands of students across the country with an opportunity to explore and to learn," said Mathias Haase, Chairman of the Board of Wissensfabrik. "This is an incredibly impactful investment, that will improve the way schools are teaching STEM subjects and how students learn. It will help to prepare students for the challenges ahead, inside and outside of the classroom."

"Working with Wissensfabrik will help us to maximise the effectiveness and impact of this significant initiative," said John Sadlier, Chief Sustainability Officer, Ardagh Group. "It will also guide engagement and volunteer efforts between Ardagh employees and educational institutions, as well as drive improvements in student capabilities and, ultimately, entry into STEM career fields. We intend to launch similar education initiatives in our communities in Africa, Brazil and other European countries in the near future."

, © Ardagh Group

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