VMA presents new wall thickness measurement device for container glass
VMA proudly reports that Wiegand Glaswerk Schleusingen successfully started supply and startup of the new 12 TMC-FLX wall thickness measurement device together with production start of the first furnace.
The new TMC-FLX technology, that was installed in the inspection machines on site has been designed especially matching the requirements and specifications of Schleusingen factory.
Key feature are the chromatic TMC-FLX-MES multiple layer sensors that match higher quality requirements. A complete integration and handshake of TMC-FLX units into Schleusingen operational system has also been completed successfully.
VMA is highly pleased to report that after this success, Wiegand Group further relies on VMA Know-how and consequently, also the 2nd furnace of Schleusingen will be equipped with TMC-FLX technology
23.06.2020, VMA GmbH
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