glassglobal Trading AG
Die glassglobal Trading AG ist ein eigenständiges Unternehmen innerhalb der glassglobal Gruppe.
Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist der Vertrieb und das Marketing von Produkten der glassglobal Gruppe aber auch Dritter, der Vertrieb von Maschinen und Ersatzteilen für die Glasindustrie sowie die Beratung von Unternehmen hinsichtlich der Projektbetreuung von Glaswerken.

Classical Consulting
GGC offers - Consulting is key - a wide range of classical and technical consultancy in the field of glass, glass technology and solar.
Typical "classical" consultancy ie. are feasibility studies, market studies, due dilligence but also defining marketing & sales strategies.
GGC is having a databases with public domain information about customer name, location, type of glass, type of furnace, furnace age, production capacity, energy consumption, furnace designer etc.
The sources for the public domain information are:
- Internet research, News, Publications etc.
- Suppliers Reference lists #
- Own visits & interviews #
- Other projects #
#: not under confidality or NDA
The design of the furnace database allows to filter all entries to create profiles such as for companies or contries.
GGC can e.g. supply profiles of glass melting furnaces, glass production lines or bottom-up production capacity reports. All the generated information can also be displayed for marketing and sales purposes on maps such as the following:
It is possible to plan sales trips with trip details such as km, hours, directions.
Some of our References for Customised Surveys:
- Glass Production China – for customers only
- Glass Production Germany – for customers only
- Glass Production France – for customers only
- Glass Production Turkey – for customers only
Technical Consulting
GGC offers - Consulting is key - a wide range of classical and technical consultancy in the field of glass, glass technology and solar.
Due to more than 100 years of experience in glass, GGC can offer a wide range of technical consultancy mainly in the field of glass & glass melting.