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Investment of 46 million Euro in Australian glass recycling facility confirmed

The modernised plant when working at full capacity will be able to recycle Victoria’s recyclable glass, doubling the company´s glass recycling capability in the Australian


    North American container glass maker to expand with 2nd furnace

    The company will invest 215 million Euro in capital to build a second furnace with approx. 490 tons/day and an envisaged production start in Q2


      Investment of USD 240 million to establish a state-of-the-art float glass manufacturing facility in India.

      A MOU has been signed to establish a state-of-the-art float glass manufacturing facility in


        Container glass maker Begins Repair Process, Investment of EUR 40 Million Planned

        The company has announced that it has presented its workers with the repair plan following the damage done to the central glassmaking furnace at the end of March 2023. Restart planned for Q3 2024 with 280


          Central European Float project: Environmental Update

          The company has finally received permit within the nitrogen decree for a new float glass factory, that had delayed the project by several


            Central European Glass Maker confirms first Hybrid Furnace

            The company will start the construction project of its first hybrid furnace, which will replace the current one after reaching the end of its useful


              Central European Glass Maker on track with Electric Furnace for Container Glass

              The company has almost completed the first electric melting furnace at this location with 150


                Pharma Glass Maker to expand in Central America by 2025

                10 Production lines will be added to existing facility. The building is expected to be completed by mid-2024 and production is anticipated to start in the second quarter of


                  Glass manufacturer is rebuilding furnace to produce glass for solar panels with start back up in 2025

                  Vitro Architectural Glass said that it will lay off 88 employees in the first quarter of 2024 as it reconfigures a raw-glass production line at its Carlisle


                    Container Glass Maker in Eastern Europe looks for modernization

                    The company operating 2 glass melting furnaces is looking for used equipment for their


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