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Update Glass Center for Float glass and other products in Southern Africa planned

The glass project covers all segments of glass production including float glass, container glass, glass wool, rolled glass etc. with a total investment of over 4,13 billion Euro and a scheduled total output of over 30,000 tpd. Also final processing


    European Container Glass Maker to upgrade furnace for 20 Mio Euro

    The existing furnace is going to be upgraded to 340 tpd to produce glass bottles in green. Furnace repair planned between November 2012 and February 2013. Also new container glass machines to be


      Two glass factory projects - float and container glass planned in Jordan

      Float glass factory with 700 tpd and container glass factory have been backed up by local Ministry of Economic Development with loans of 17 mio resp. 63 mio


        Update: Tenders for glass furnace, lehrs and flat glass processing equipment

        Various projects in Egypt under evaluation and respective tender documentation can be requested. Deadline for annealing lehr tender is 29/30.May 2012 - Tender documents


          Update: revised tonnage: Glass Factory in Central Africa planned

          The company is planning a 250 tpd float glass factory with international technology in Central Africa. Market Study and experienced staff is available for production setup in Q3


            Tableware factory in Middle East to expand in 2013

            The company is investigating the options for building a new 30-60 tpd tableware furnace with complete automatic production lines and acid polishing


              African Glass factory starts procurement to restart container glass manufacture

              Total project cost estimated with 22 mio USD million loan agreement for factory revival secured. Total production volume to start with 75 tpd to be upsized to 100 tpd at later stage. Production start envisaged in Q2


                Glass Factory in Central Europe wants to expand with container glass furnace

                The factory wants to establish a little glass production with automatic IS machine for the production of 0,75 l wine bottles. The investment is to be concluded at short term. Blowing machines and annealing lehr with electric heating


                  Glass maker in Central America to invest in tableware production line

                  The company is looking for a whole line for the production of tumblers, ashtrays etc. using direct press machines. A complete line from feeder to lehr entrance is requested. Investment volume or deadline not yet


                    Inquiry for float turnkey project in Tunisia with 400 tpd capacity

                    The company has not yet disclosed any data, the project is in feasibility status. Silica available in Tunisia, target markets are export to


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                      Diese Rubrik umfasst durch uns recherchierte, uns bekannt gewordene oder zur Veröffentlichung freigegebene Informationen über Projekte aus der internationalen Glasindustrie, d.h. es wurden Investitionen in Hinsicht von Neubau oder Akquise (Erweiterung, Reparatur, Maintenance oder Greenfield ) angekündigt. Dieses Modul steht somit der Zulieferindustrie direkt als Vertriebs-Unterstützung zur Seite. Dieser Service hat sich mittlerweile fest etabliert.

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