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optionen in die weltweite


Construction of container glass factory authorized in Central America (Caribbean)

The company has received governmental approval to build a container glass factory for beverage and food glass items in a new development zone. Investment is scheduled with approx. 76 million Euro, startup is scheduled for Q4


    Şişecam plans fourth furnace at Mersin glassmaking plant

    Turkish glassmaker Şişecam is to invest $18.2 million in a fourth furnace at its Mersin


      NSG/Pilkington anuncia construção de forno de float na Argentina

      A Vidriería Argentina S.A. (Vasa), subsidiária da NSG/Pilkington, terá um novo forno de float. A planta será erguida no município de Exaltación de La Cruz, no estado de Buenos Aires, e deverá custar US$ 200 milhões (173.000.000


        Asian company to build €120 million glass wool plant

        The company has announced to build a €120 million plant to meet demand for its mineral wool insulation solutions in the Asia Pacific


          Central European Glass maker plans 2 new container glass furnaces

          The group has announced a 5-year plan specifying several key projects to be executed until


            Central Asian Float Glass maker announces 2 float glass lines within 2022

            The company has announced investment of over 250 million Euro to increase its capacity by 2000 TPD


              Central European Container glass maker plans investment in 2019

              The company operates a 200 tpd furnace repaired in 2010 and has announced a larger investment for


                Central European Container Glass Maker to expand production in 2019

                The factory has announced double-digit million Euro investment to double production capacity for miniature bottles and food


                  West European Tableware glass maker to expand production site

                  The company announces to modernize the existing production lines and open 2nd tableware line. Investment is scheduled with 12-15 million Euro between 2018 and


                    Feasibility Study for Container Glass Plant with approx. 150 tpd in Asia

                    The company requests information about equipment and technology to build a container glass plant for bottles for local and international


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