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Kontakt Info
Anschrift | KGS Diamond (Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd. Room A406, 4th Floor, Research Building, No.3 GuangPuXi Road, Science City, Development Zone, Guangzhou 5106663 |
Land | China |
Ihre Nachricht an KGS Diamond (Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd. |
Produkte oder Maschinen
KGS is a market leader manufacturing and selling flexible diamond abrasives into the global Glass Market, as the famous and patented KGS Telum® diamond belts. This leadership position was created through technological innovation, intimate knowledge of customer processes, close relationships with machine builders and by keeping the customer at the heart of the business. KGS flexible diamond abrasives enter every sector of the glass market, including architectural glass, automotive glass, decorative glass, furniture glass and many technical glass components. KGS flexible diamond abrasive products satisfy the most demanding customer requirements for belts, discs, sheets and hand pads, bringing quality, productivity and innovation to the customer.