Celebrating Pneumofore 100th Anniversary
With the motto of “Inspiring the Future since 1923”, Pneumofore welcomed in Turin its network of distributors and partners from around the world to celebrate the company’s 100 Years of history. The Meeting took place in Turin and it was attended by 16 different nations coming from every corner of the Planet. The event offered the opportunity to retrace the historic background of the company, its evolution through the decades and the international expansion under the guidance of the present generation of Swiss engineers.
Projected into the future, the company also presented its plan for the years to come, with a renewed enthusiasm and with significant investments in training the next generation. The event was also a great networking opportunity to further strengthen the collaboration between Pneumofore and its international partners, which strongly contribute to the company’s global success. Obviously, the meeting was also an occasion to taste the excellent Italian cuisine and wines and to walk in the ambient streets of Turin and Rivoli during a sunny and warm weekend.
16.10.2023, Pneumofore
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