Pneumofore at Glasstec 2022
The world of glass finally returned to experience the pure trade fair feeling at Glasstec, the No. 1 international exhibition dedicated to the global glassmaking industry. A great opportunity to celebrate the 2022 as the International Year of Glass, discover the sector’s groundbreaking innovations and exchange ideas with the most important companies from all around the world.
As a leading supplier of centralized vacuum and compressed air systems for the glass industry, Pneumofore is presenting itself with a new open-view booth concept that welcomes visitors and encourage them to discover the core of Pneumofore Rotary Vane technology, products and the company’s underlying values. With the support of our highly-qualified team, consolidated and new customers have high-level conversations on how to achieve high energy savings, constant performance and the lowest life cycle cost on the market. Spotlights are on the UV24 VS vacuum pump – here presented in its Variable Speed version – which raised great interest from visitors and it is becoming one of the most popular vacuum pump models in worldwide glassworks. The enthusiastic atmosphere and response from the fair have been excellent, which make us looking very positively into the next year.
Pneumofore welcomes you at Glasstec, Hall 13 / Booth A71!
22.09.2022, Pneumofore
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