Glass Industry News

Your colors on glass, with the range of Jetver ceramic inks.

, Tecglass

Because of the need to balance the various shades among themselves and ensure they are in harmony with the context, even the color is subjected to careful scrutiny in every design project.

This is why it is essential that digital printing technology must also focus on this aspect.

In order to cater to its customers’ needs, Tecglass has consistently invested heavily in the development of new and different types of inks, custom-designed and engineered exclusively for glass. The result is a complete range of ceramic inks, compatible with all types of technology. In addition to the base colors, a broad spectrum of colors is always available to meet every conceivable color need, and the Tecglass lab can provide them at any time.

But that’s not all: Tecglass provides all of its clients with the right formula to achieve the desired color – thousands of color formulations have been developed and tested, ready to use. Just choose from among the RAL, Pantone, NCS or Color-book colors and the mix is ready.

The Jetver line includes inks for all kinds of applications – automotive, home appliance, architecture, interior design and many others. No matter the type of application or glass, Tecglass has a complete assortment of high-performance inks with special characteristics and unique colors to fit the need. Just some of the features of Tecglass inks: exceptional resistance to weather and humidity, superior durability of chromatic effects over time, outstanding resistance to abrasion in high traffic areas and ideal adaptability to the most advanced glass coatings.

The hierarchy of spaces can be transformed and emphasized with the use of color. It can regulate the effects of illumination on the space as well as contribute to the psycho-physical wellbeing of the people who inhabit the building or spend a good part of their day there. By becoming part of the design, colors can be a tool for better living.

, © Tecglass

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